Press Releases

October 31, 2017

Robert Vessels with Sierra Club’s National Military Outdoors program will join the class of 2017 Emerging Leaders to lead proceedings at The SHIFT Festival, which starts tomorrow in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Emerging Leaders program honors and trains a diverse group of outdoor recreationists to help revitalize conservation by making it relevant to all Americans.

October 31, 2017

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Today, the New Orleans-based group A Community Voice and the Sierra Club, represented by Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit to require the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stick to a firm and final deadline for compliance with the Formaldehyde Emissions Standards for wood products made, imported and sold in the United States.

October 31, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, it is widely expected that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will dismiss science advisers who have received Agency grants from the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB), replacing them with figures tied to the fossil fuel and chemical industries. Pruitt is claiming the action is being taken to eliminate conflicts of interest among scientists, but the move is widely understood to be an attack on science, which Pruitt either ignores or denies.

October 30, 2017

The Sierra Club and allied groups filed an emergency motion for stay in federal court to stop ongoing construction of the fracked gas Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline while legal challenges to it are being decided. FERC is seeking to rush construction without allowing for appropriate judicial review.

October 30, 2017

Washington, D.C. - Today, a number of Trump campaign officials and associates were charged with serious federal crimes as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign's involvement with Russia's interference in our elections. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been charged with 12 counts including conspiracy against the United States, according to the Justice Department. Additionally, former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos struck a cooperation agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, secretly pleading guilty three weeks ago to lying to federal agents about his contacts with Kremlin-connected Russians.

October 29, 2017

San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Today, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello called for the cancellation of the highly questionable $300 million contract awarded to the tiny Whitefish Energy.

October 27, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Pressed numerous times during today’s daily briefing at the White House, Trump Administration Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders attempted to deflect any attention about the sweetheart deal that secured a problematic $300 million contract for a tiny Montana company with deep ties to Trump do

October 27, 2017

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality announced it has asked the builders of the proposed fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline for additional information on the project.

October 27, 2017

The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting today that President Trump has promised to approve a proposal by Interior Secretary Zinke to strip protections from large swaths of Bears Ears National Monument.

October 27, 2017

St. Louis, MO -  Today, the St.