Press Releases

January 5, 2018

Today, the Washington Post reported that, in addition to passing a tax bill containing enormous giveaways to the oil and gas industry, Congressional Republicans quietly gave yet another gift to Big Oil when they allowed a tax on oil companies that funded federal oil-spill response efforts to expire.

January 4, 2018

Washington, DC -- In 2017, Americans bought or leased nearly 200,000 electric cars (199,826), a 26% increase over 2016 sales. In December, more Americans  purchased or leased electric vehicles (EVs) than in any other single month to date. In total, in the U.S. more than 763,000 electric vehicles have been sold since they first came on the market about seven years ago, putting the industry on track to surpass 1 million electric vehicles on U.S. roads by the end of 2018.

January 4, 2018

Today, Donald Trump’s Department of the Interior released its draft five-year offshore drilling plan. In the largest expansion of offshore drilling ever, the plan would expand drilling off America’s coasts, including in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic.

January 3, 2018

Washington, DC -- Today, in the face of not a single piece of evidence validating his thoroughly debunked claims that 2-3 million Americans voted illegally in the 2016 election, Donald Trump has dissolved his voting commission. As it has been heavily reported, there are numerous reports that have debunked this claim, and a study examining voting between 2000 and 2014 found only 31 credible instances of in-person voter fraud.

January 3, 2018

Today, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) ordered Sunoco to halt construction on the Mariner East 2 pipeline, following several spills and violations of state law.

January 2, 2018

Today, the City of Fayetteville became the first municipality in Arkansas to commit to transition to 100 percent clean and renewable sources of energy.

January 2, 2018

Governor Cuomo commits to coal phase out, offshore wind investments and an expansion of RGGI, efficiency and community solar programs.

January 2, 2018

The Sierra Club is debuting a new audio project and attendees will hear selected stories before participating in a short Q&A with experts and people personally affected by the climate crisis.

December 29, 2017

Today, the Trump administration proposed revising or rolling back safety protections on offshore drilling that were enacted in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster -- the world's largest oil spill -- that cost human lives, decimated the Gulf Coast, and cost $62 billion to contain.

December 27, 2017

The US Army Corps of Engineers quietly confirmed that the proposed RAM coal export terminal’s Army Corps permit expired on November 30, 2017