Press Releases

March 11, 2018

Trump and anti-immigrant, anti-environment not welcome in California.

March 9, 2018

Wyoming puts forward horrifying hunting plan for the Yellowstone grizzly.

March 9, 2018

MGE called on local, state, and federal governments to create policies that encourage the implementation of more electric and low-emissions vehicles. Three days prior, on Monday March 5th, high winds kicked up toxic coal dust from the Oak Creek and Elm Road power plants in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, into the surrounding neighborhoods, coating nearby homes, vehicles, playgrounds and residents’ lungs.

March 9, 2018

NEW YORK CITY—Governor Cuomo with former Vice President Al Gore repudiated the Trump administration's plans to open waters off of New York’s coast for offshore drilling and announced that New York would request an exclusion from the federal government’s oil and gas leasing program. The Governor also recommitted to phasing coal out of the state by 2020 and building 2.4GW of offshore wind by 2025, supporting his goal of sourcing 50 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable energy by 2030. Additionally, he advocated for increased investments in the Environmental Protection Fund and other programs related to necessary land, air and water protections.

March 9, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On Wednesday, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt announced his picks for the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee -- and they included the vice president of a company that has been responsible for multiple releases of radioactive plutonium dust. Michael Tilchin is presently vice president of CH2M Hill, a company that has been responsible for three releases of this dangerous substance, including a "catastrophic" incident in June where more than 300 workers were exposed and 31 workers tested positive for internal plutonium contamination.

March 9, 2018

NRG to close multiple gas plants in California NRG Energy will retire three gas-fired power plants in Rancho Cucamonga (Etiwanda), Oxnard (Ormond Beach) and Goleta (Ellwood). The decision to close these plants aligns with a trend that’s sweeping across California-- gas plants aren’t being built or retiring due to community opposition and the growth of clean energy in the state. Among these plants is Etiwanda, which will close on June 1, 2018.

March 8, 2018

NRG to close multiple gas plants in California NRG Energy will retire three gas-fired power plants in Rancho Cucamonga (Etiwanda), Oxnard (Ormond Beach) and Goleta (Ellwood). The decision to close these plants aligns with a trend that’s sweeping across California-- gas plants aren’t being built or retiring due to community opposition and the growth of clean energy in the state. Among these plants is Etiwanda, which will close on June 1, 2018.

March 8, 2018

A coalition of environmental advocates filed two requests to stop construction of the controversial fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) in the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.

March 8, 2018


March 8, 2018

Oak Creek, WI -- The Clean Power Coalition of Southeast Wisconsin held a press conference announcing the results of independent testing that confirmed coal dust samples taken by the Environmental Accountability Group (EAG) and tested by Aspen Consulting, Inc. The black coal dust was found covering homes, cars, and even the playground in neighborhoods north of the Oak Creek and Elm Road Power Plants on Monday.