Press Releases

March 28, 2018

Last night, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a proposal to cancel an increase in civil penalties for automakers whose vehicles fail to meet fuel-economy standards required under the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) program.

March 28, 2018

Today, a leaked memo from Scott Pruitt’s EPA to its staff contained eight “talking points” on climate change that downplay the human impact on the climate crisis. Perhaps Pruitt believes if he can get off the hot seat if he turns his focus back to climate denial and attacking our clean air and water rather than his abuse of taxpayer funds. Just to be safe, we’ve fixed Pruitt’s memo.

March 28, 2018

Concord, NH -Massachusetts electric companies formally ended contract negotiations with Eversource’s Northern Pass transmission project for Canadian hydro today. The New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee had already unanimously rejected the project with an oral decision earlier in the month, and is expected to issue a written order confirming that action this week.

March 28, 2018

One year ago, Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at exploiting our public lands for fossil fuel development and rolling back Obama-era safeguards. In the year since, Ryan Zinke has made it his mission to be a “partner” with industry while pushing their agenda, ignoring the cost to America’s health, safety, and wild places.

March 28, 2018

Tulsa, OK — Today, Sierra Club, Hip Hop Caucus, Friends of the Earth, Green For All, Green Latinos, Defend Our Future, League of Conservation of Voters, Environmental Defense Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Center for American Progress Action launched a nationwide campaign to “Boot Pruitt”. The coordinated effort aims to force Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt, from office. The Sierra Club will promote a national TV ad on Facebook in Oklahoma City and Tulsa that calls for Trump to boot Pruitt. The ad will be accompanied by a petition calling for Pruitt to resign.

March 27, 2018

Despite 2017 being the costliest year on record for weather disasters, a new report reveals that banks increased extreme fossil fuel financing last year, led by a more than doubling in lending to tar sands companies and pipelines.

March 27, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club began airing a TV ad on Fox and Friends and Morning Joe calling for Trump to fire Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt. The ads will air on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. The ad is part of the Boot Pruitt campaign, a coordinated effort among several groups aimed at forcing Pruitt from office.

March 27, 2018

A second owner of the Colstrip coal plant will pay off their outstanding debt by 2027, paving the way for an earlier closure of the largest single source of climate pollution in the American West.

March 27, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, the Commerce Department announced that it will be including a question about citizenship status in the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census. The modern Decennial Census has not included a citizenship question since 1950, and its inclusion in the upcoming census is widely seen as an effort to intimidate and discourage noncitizens and their families from responding to the census, a move that will affect the total count of Americans. Without an accurate count of every living person in America, the incomplete data will skew the drawing of political districts, the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives, and the distribution of federal funding for local communities.

March 26, 2018

Yesterday evening, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announced they had approved the Erosion and Sediment, Stormwater, and Karst Plans for the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline