Press Releases

May 3, 2018

Today, as more and more of Scott Pruitt’s corruption scandals pile up and more and more high-level EPA staff flee Pruitt’s sinking ship, the Atlantic reports that Pruitt’s press staff actually tried to plant stories about Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s own ethical issues, “trying to take the heat off” Pruitt.

May 3, 2018

Today, Ameren shareholders voted and passed a resolution introduced by Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment that will require Ameren to disclose the impacts of coal ash on the communities it serves. Area residents and Ameren shareholders convened outside of the annual Ameren shareholders meeting to call for clean water and cleaning up of toxic coal ash waste sites around the region.

May 2, 2018

International coalition draws attention to global consequences of the fracked gas cycle to oppose proposed liquefied natural gas terminal Rio Grande LNG near South Padre Island

May 2, 2018

Little Rock, AR. -- Late last week the Arkansas Depart

May 2, 2018

California Public Utilities Commission Rejects Fracked Gas Pipeline in San Diego The pipeline would have cost customers $2 billion over 45 years at a time when clean energy is significantly reducing the need for gas in California. Today the California Public Utilities Commission released a proposed decision denying San Diego Gas & Electric Company and Southern California Gas Company’s planned $2 billion fracked gas pipeline.

May 2, 2018

Yesterday, news broke by the Washington Post and New York Times shows that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt isn’t just friendly with lobbyists like his landlord - in fact, his expensive trips to Morocco and Italy were planned and accompanied by lobbyists Richard Smotkin and Leonard Leo. Here’s what we know so far:

May 2, 2018

Yesterday, news broke by the Washington Post and New York Times shows that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt isn’t just friendly with lobbyists like his landlord - in fact, his expensive trips to Morocco and Italy were planned and accompanied by lobbyists Richard Smotkin and Leonard Leo. Here’s what we know so far:

May 1, 2018

Washington, DC -- Yesterday, 17 states and Washington, DC filed a lawsuit against EPA and Scott Pruitt to block his first step to roll back the clean car standards. The petitioners represent 43-percent of the American auto market and 44 percent of the U.S. population.The petitioners include the majority of states that have adopted  California’s stricter standards under Section 177 of the Clean Air Act, as well as non-Section 177 states, which are subject to EPA’s greenhouse gas standards.

May 1, 2018

Clarkston, Georgia adopts a resolution to transition to 100 percent clean and renewable energy. Clarkston becomes the second city in the state to make this commitment, one year after Atlanta.

May 1, 2018

Washington, DC -- Today, the Washington Post broke the story that a lobbyist and longtime friend of embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s partially arranged his more than $100,000 taxpayer-funded trip to Morocco. The lobbyist who arranged the trip joined Pruitt on the trip.