Press Releases

July 16, 2018

PITTSBURGH, P.A. – At a City Council hearing on Tuesday, July 17, community members will demand that a proposed $2 billion expansion plan by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) include a community benefits agreement to serve all Pittsburgh residents.

July 16, 2018

This weekend, Piedmont Natural Gas announced plans to construct and operate a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility. The massive facility would cover 50 acres in Robeson County, North Carolina and store 1 billion cubic feet of fracked gas.

July 16, 2018

“The Handmaid’s Tale” actress joins Sierra Club Outing

July 16, 2018

Albany, NY. -- Elected officials and various local organizations gathered on Monday to urge the administration to quickly finalize a proposed plan that would phase coal out of the state by 2020. Advocates contend that a statewide framework must include a glidepath for communities and workers affected by this transition and to ensure full retirement of the affected plants - barring the way for these plants to burn other dirty energy sources like fracked gas, waste or biomass.

July 13, 2018

LITTLE ROCK, AR:  Today, the Arkansas Public Serv

July 13, 2018

Mountain Valley Watch, a volunteer organization of concerned community members monitoring construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, released its Incident Reporting Map

July 13, 2018

The Associated Press reported this morning that EPA Chief of Staff Ryan Jackson admitted in testimony before Congress to expediting a FOIA submission at the request of a corporate polluter lobbyist. Meanwhile, Bloomberg also reported that EPA “manipulated” its handling of FOIA requests to benefit Scott Pruitt. The incident was first exposed as a result of the Sierra Club’s ongoing FOIA litigation and production, with the original emails online here.

July 13, 2018

After almost 60,000 pages of documents from Scott Pruitt’s EPA turned over to the Sierra Club via FOIA litigation, extensive media coverage on scandals those records, thousands and thousands of public comments and actions urging Pruitt’s resignation, dozens of rallies in Oklahoma and beyond, and successful engagement by the #BootPruitt coalition nationwide, Pruitt has finally resigned as EPA Administrator.

July 12, 2018

Washington, DC-- Today, the House Western Caucus introduced nine bills, all of which would effectively dismantle the Endangered Species Act. Taken together, the bills impede citizen involvement in species protections, significantly limit opportunities for listing and undermine the sound science needed for effective wildlife management. This better known House “extinction package” doubles down on Sen. Barrasso’s bill introduced last week that would also weaken the ESA.

July 12, 2018

Today, Ireland’s government committed to divest its 8 billion-euro national investment fund from all coal, oil, and gas investments, making it the world’s first country to fully divest from fossil fuels.