Press Releases

July 20, 2018

Yesterday, Senator Dean Heller met with Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and after the meeting, Heller said that he has “no reservations” and is “very confident” in Kavanaugh. Earlier this week, the Washington Post released an analysis of Kavanaugh’s support for the controversial Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, which Heller has previously said he opposes.

July 19, 2018

Yesterday, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announced they were reauthorizing construction along a stretch of the 300-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline.

July 19, 2018

Congressional Republicans have passed a FY19 Interior-EPA spending bill as part of an appropriations ‘minibus.’ The legislation threatens environmental and conservation programs across the board and includes a 42% cut to the endangered species listing program and $65 million cut from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. If agreed to by the Senate, the spending package would also continue the assault by Republican leadership on the EPA, slashing the Agencies' budget by at least $100 million. In addition, Republican leaders stuffed the bill at the last minute with anti-environmental poison pill riders that further endanger our public health and the environment.

July 19, 2018

Washington, DC -- Today, the EPA’s Office of the Inspector General released its findings that the Agency must strengthen its oversight of state drinking water programs. The report comes as Flint, MI residents are still without clean, safe drinking water after failures on the state and federal level.

July 19, 2018

This morning, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Kevin McIntyre announced plans to speed federal approvals for proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals.

July 19, 2018

Washington, DC--  Today, under the leadership of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service along with NOAA Fisheries proposed three rule changes that would effectively dismantle the Endangered Species Act. E&E released a leak of the proposed modifications to the rule that will make it increasingly difficult to hold wildlife agencies accountable, lessen opportunity for public input and weaken protection of threatened species.

July 19, 2018

On Tuesday, July 17, Madison Gas and Electric filed an application at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to finalize the electric and natural gas rates Madison customers would pay for service years 2019 and 2020. This proposal was filed as a “settlement” pursuant to a new Wisconsin statute, section 196.026, that allows utilities to seek consensus in advance of their rate proposals in order to get expedited approval for their new rates. Sierra Club was the only intervening party that did not join in MGE’s proposed settlement.

July 18, 2018

Washington, DC -- Tonight, it was reported that Department of the Interior’s Inspector General has opened a formal investigation into Ryan Zinke’s real estate dealings with Halliburton’s chair, David Lesar.

July 18, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, under the cover of the ongoing Supreme Court process, the Senate voted 50-49 to confirm right-wing extremist Andrew Oldham to the the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Oldham is one of the youngest of Trump’s judicial appointees and now holds a lifetime appointment to the bench. Including Oldham, Trump has confirmed 23 judges for lifetime appointments to Courts of Appeals.

July 18, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -  This week, the House will hold a floor vote on the FY19 Interior-EPA spending bill as part of an appropriations ‘minibus.’ This Republican spending minibus threatens environmental and conservation programs across the board, including a 42% cut to the endangered species listing program and 65 million from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The spending package would also continue the assault by Republican leadership on the EPA, slashing the EPA’s budget by at least $100 million.