Press Releases

December 4, 2018

RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TX -- Yesterday, members of the public from across Texas submitted over 850 public comments to the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC) on the draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Rio Grande LNG export terminal and the Rio Bravo Pipeline.

December 3, 2018


December 10, 2018

On Tuesday, December 11, Tribal leaders from across the country will be joined by members of Congress to mark the 58th anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and stand with the Gwich’in Nation in opposition to destructive drilling there.

November 30, 2018

Governor Rick Scott and the rest of the Florida Power Plant Siting Board voted unanimously to approve the expansion of fracked gas burning at Florida Power and Light’s (FPL) Dania Beach Plant

November 30, 2018

Today the Trump administration will authorize companies to injure, harass, disrupt or even kill marine mammals in the course of surveying the Atlantic Ocean seafloor to detect oil and gas reserves.

November 29, 2018

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA -- Today, the Trump Administration will sign its NAFTA 2.0 trade agreement with Canada and Mexico during the annual G-20 Summit in Buenos Aires. The deal includes weak environmental terms that have enabled outsourcing of pollution and jobs, fail to even mention climate change, roll back environmental standards from past trade deals, and include special handouts to oil and gas corporations.

November 29, 2018

A new report written by Environmental Integrity Project, Earthjustice, Prairie Rivers Network and Sierra Club, revealed widespread pollution of the groundwater surrounding 90 percent of reporting Illinois coal ash dumpsites.

November 28, 2018

Pittsburgh, PA -- The Pennsylvania Department of the Environmental Protection (DEP) hosted a public hearing yesterday on its drafted update to the water pollution permit for the Bruce Mansfield coal-fired power plant. The plant owned by FirstEnergy, is a 2,700 megawatt plant located on the Ohio River in Beaver County. It is currently the largest coal plant in the state, and one of the largest remaining plants in the country.

November 28, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in an interview with Washington Post Reporter Juliet Eilperin, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, after admitting to not reading the entire National Climate Assessment even though his own agency played a key role in drafting it. He dismissed the assessment, wrongly implying the data is political, while taking credit for pollution reductions resulting from Obama administration policies. Wheeler’s EPA has rolled back carbon pollution protections, including repealing the Clean Power Plan and a gutting methane safeguards. Since he became Acting Administrator, Wheeler has taken action that harms public health on average of every three days.

November 28, 2018

Oakland, CA -- The Sierra Club welcomes more than 3.5 million members, volunteers and supporters across 63 chapters and even more groups, whose collective influence advances climate change action, protects the environment, and advocates for healthy communities and numerous issue campaigns across the country.