Press Releases

January 3, 2019

Today, Nancy Pelosi made history by being re-elected Speaker of the House. The Sierra Club previously announced its support of Nancy Pelosi to be next Speaker of the House of Representatives in the first endorsement the organization ever made for a House leadership race.

January 2, 2019

Quite a bit happened over the holidays. Donald Trump rolled back the Mercury Air Toxic Standards which protect young children from toxic emissions spewed by coal plants, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke left office in disgrace, oh, and the government was and remains shut down, leaving our national parks without park rangers, gutting the EPA of over 13,000 employees and forcing the few who remain to work without pay.

January 2, 2019

Prompted by mounting investigations into Ryan Zinke’s conduct, Donald Trump announced last month that today would be Zinke’s final day at the Department of the Interior.

January 2, 2019

The Maryland Board of Public Works (Board) voted 3-0 to deny a crucial easement to the fracked gas Potomac Pipeline

December 28, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler proposed plans to ignore the health and environmental benefits of clean air and water safeguards while prioritizing corporate polluter profits as part of a planned roll-back to the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). MATS protects Americans from pollution from coal- and oil-fired power plants. These safeguards, which EPA finalized in 2012 with compliance deadlines that ended in 2016, drastically curtailed the emission of dangerous toxic pollution that poisons wildlife, contaminates seafood, and threatens the health of pregnant women and young children.

December 27, 2018


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The US Environmental Protection Agency has stayed open these first days of Trump's government shutdown, running on surplus funds. However, Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced that the agency would run out of funds and need to shut down Friday, 12/28 at midnight.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

December 23, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC - Donald Trump has shut down the U.S. government in a failed effort to force taxpayers to fund his useless, divisive, dangerous and exorbitant border wall. This is a shutdown he said he would be “proud” to own. Trump’s government shutdown -- now expected to last at least into next week -- is putting thousands of people out of work and denying public servants their paychecks right before the holidays. Bloomberg News reports that the shutdown will require 420,000 federal employees to work without pay, and will mean that 380,000 workers are sent home. According to the National Parks Conservation Association, at least one-third of the nation’s 400 parks are closed. The NPCA also notes that in December, the National Park System sees nearly 500,000 visitors per day who spend around $18 million per day in nearby communities, on average.

December 21, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC - Just one week after Donald Trump declared that “I am proud to shut down the government" in order to secure taxpayer funding for a racist, useless, and destructive border wall he has repeatedly claimed would be paid for by Mexico, Trump has vetoed legislation to fund the government and provoked a government shutdown.

December 21, 2018

Today, on the Friday before Christmas, the Department of Environmental Quality opened a comment period on specific documents newly submitted to the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board (Board) on the Buckingham County Compressor station.

December 21, 2018

Today, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada approved NV Energy’s 2019-2038 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), and the decision was recognized as a significant step for the state’s future by four clean energy groups—the Sierra Club, the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Western Resource Advocates, and the Natural Resources Defense Council. The IRP approved by the Commission, also referred to as NV Energy’s Low Carbon Case, will add 1,001 MW of new solar photovoltaic projects and 100 MW of battery storage, allowing the utility to more than double its total renewable generation from 14 percent in 2017 to 32 percent by 2023. The approved plan also provides NV Energy with the authority to retire the aging North Valmy Unit 1 coal unit at the end of 2021 – four years ahead of schedule.