Press Releases

February 4, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted to advance the nomination of Acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler to be EPA Administrator.

February 4, 2019

A standing-room-only crowd of Duke Energy customers packed the N.C. Utilities Commission chambers tonight to demand a long-term energy plan from the utility that prioritizes safe, clean renewables over dirty, dangerous fossil fuels. Tonight was the only in-person opportunity for the public to weigh in on the plans,

February 4, 2019

San Juan, Puerto Rico, -- Puerto Rico’s publicly-owned utility PREPA released a draft version of the 2019 integrated resource plan (IRP), a document that lays out the future development and continued recovery of Puerto Rico’s electric grid over the next 20 years.

February 4, 2019

Tomorrow, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will vote on advancing acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s nomination. On top of being cozy with polluters and rolling back our biggest protections against climate pollution, Wheeler is in the hot seat for his refusal to address toxic emissions and clean up polluted communities from per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals. These toxic chemicals are fueling a water contamination crisis in hundreds of communities across the country. As many as 110 million Americans could be drinking PFAS contaminated water.

February 4, 2019

Arizona/ Texas-- Last night, AP reported that the Trump Administration began preparation for the construction of concrete border walls in the Texas’ Rio Grande Valley and deployed miles of razor wire to place on border barriers in Nogales, Arizona.  

February 4, 2019

Today, Donald Trump announced that he will nominate David Bernhardt to be the Secretary of the Department of the Interior.

February 4, 2019

Oakland, Calif., -- Today, community, labor and environmental organizations in cities across the U.S. are taking action for transit equity. The second Transit Equity Day commemorates civil rights icon Rosa Parks on her birthday. Her act of resistance by refusing to give up her seat on the bus in 1955 was a catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the civil rights movement.

February 4, 2019

Tomorrow, the Senate Energy and Public Works Committee will vote on advancing Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s nomination to the full Senate. But putting a coal lobbyist like Andrew Wheeler in charge of the EPA is like giving a bank robber the keys to the vault, making Tony Soprano the head of the FBI, hiring Palpatine to run the Galactic Senate, or putting the Hamburglar in charge of McDonalds.

February 4, 2019

A recent Sierra Club FOIA request of Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s emails and calendars show’s he is all too friendly with the industries he is supposed to be regulating. Here is a sampling of the findings from the first batch of newly-released documents:

February 4, 2019

Baltimore, MD-- Baltimore City Councilmember Kristerfer Burnett (District 8), in partnership with the Sierra Club, introduced a resolution today calling for the Maryland General Assembly to pass, and Governor Hogan to sign, legislation establishing a clear and enforceable commitment to move Maryland beyond coal-fired power and create a Coal Community Transition Fund to support impacted communities and workers. The fund would support investments in job retraining and assistance for those affected, as well as increased investments in clean energy sources that will provide good-paying, local jobs.