Press Releases

December 15, 2023

Montevideo, MN – Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) approved funding for “Project Tundra,” a proposed large-scale carbon capture and storage project in North Dakota.

December 15, 2023

Council recommends continued state, federal agency coordination on identifying and assessing risk

December 14, 2023

ALBANY, NY -- Today, the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) declined to approve the 20-year long-term gas plan from National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation of Western New York (NFG), requiring a number of modifications including ending incentives for gas expansion, proposing a gas demand response program, and developing pilot projects to compare cold-climate air-source heat pumps and hybrid heating systems. However, the order failed to rule on the appropriateness of numerous aspects of NFG’s plan including its limited contribution to the emission reductions required by New York’s climate law. The PSC also failed to rule on the outsized role of alternative fuels such as “renewable” natural gas and hydrogen in NFG’s plan and how to properly account for the emissions of these fuels.

December 14, 2023

Proposed rules help clarify how companies can utilize the Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

December 14, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Biden Administration released a highly anticipated plan to restore salmon populations in the Columbia River Basin.

December 13, 2023

Denver, CO - Today the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) voted to reject existing proposals and approve a portfolio for Xcel Energy's Electric Resource Plan (ERP) that has 41 megawatts more gas power and 1,357 megawatts less total power than the company originally recommended.*

December 13, 2023

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S House of Representatives is expected to vote to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joseph R. Biden, even in spite of the fact that their ongoing congressional oversight efforts have yet to produce any evidence of misdeeds committed by the then-former Vice President, now-President.

December 13, 2023

Washington, D.C. – Today the comment period for the U.S. Army Corps’ draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) closed.

December 13, 2023

DETROIT, MI – Today, the Sierra Club delivered a letter to the CEOs of General Motors (GM) and Ford, calling on the two companies to stop hiding behind the Alliance for Automotive Innovation (AAI), the auto industry trade association, which is lobbying against U.S. regulations that would further speed up the electric vehicle (EV) transition to reduce harmful emissions and protect the health of our communities.

December 13, 2023

The Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act of 2023 (CETA), introduced today by U.S. Reps. Sean Casten (IL-6) and Mike Levin (CA-49), would address permitting issues that often slow the deployment of renewable energy sources and the transmission infrastructure that is crucially needed to support them. Increasing access to clean electricity will help to address the climate crisis by ensuring the reliability and resilience of the grid and reduce consumer’s utility bills because. Renewable energy, like solar and wind, is the least expensive source of energy.