Press Releases

July 11, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Donald Trump announced he is directing the Commerce Department to collect citizenship data from all federal agencies and departments. This is a defeat for the administration’s attempts to weaponize the 2020 Census by adding a racist and illegal citizenship question citizenship question in an effort to erase and intimidate immigrants and vulnerable communities from answering the Census and deprive them of political representation and resources. Trump’s announcement still leaves the door open for states to manipulate Congressional districts based on citizenship.

7 de julio de 2019

Donald Trump dio hoy un discurso intentando cambiar la narrativa de su debilitamiento y ataques contra las normas de aire y agua limpios y las protecciones climáticas. Trump, quien inició su mandato como el único líder mundial que niega la ciencia climática, no mencionó la crisis climática ni una sola vez.

July 10, 2019

Lansing, MI – Today Washington Governor Jay Inslee joined in the widespread calls for the decommissioning of Enbridge’s Line 5 in the Great Lakes, citing the threat of an oil pipeline rupture to the world’s largest surface fresh water body and the vital role Michigan can play in reducing fossil fuels that are warming our planet

In response, Sierra Club Michigan Chapter Executive Committee member David Holtz released the following statement:

July 10, 2019

Washington, DC -- Congressional Republicans are forming a so-called “Roosevelt Conservation Caucus” in an effort to make their party appear less aggressively anti-environment.

July 10, 2019

Washington, DC-- This morning, the Trump Administration issued a veto threat for the House of Representatives National Defense Authorization Act of 2020 (NDAA), citing two provisions that would improve safeguards against contamination from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in our communities.

July 10, 2019

Washington, DC -- This afternoon, the Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing entitled “Building a Sustainable and Competitive Economy: An Examination of Proposals to Improve Environmental, Social and Governance Disclosures.” The hearing will address the need for publicly traded companies to report their business’ impact on global climate change and the risk this poses to their shareholders and the public.&nbs

July 9, 2019

A new report released today highlights the reputational damage that would plague any bank or investor that supports three fracked gas export terminals proposed for Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

July 9, 2019

Advocates for a Cleaner Tacoma filed a lawsuit today challenging the Washington State Department of Ecology’s issuance of a key permit for Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) proposed fracked gas facility in the Port of Tacoma. The Sierra Club is supporting the legal challenge to the project as an “interested party.”

July 9, 2019

Today, E&E reported that, amid widespread public disapproval of Donald Trump’s monumental environmental policy failures, deadly rollbacks, and anti-science agenda, the Trump Administration’s panel to justify gutting climate safeguards AKA the “Presidential Committee on Climate Security” is dead until after the election.

July 8, 2019

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump gave a speech attempting to change the narrative surrounding his rollbacks and attacks on clean air, clean water, and climate safeguards. While attempting to spin his deadly and dangerous policy and administrative actions, Trump, who entered office as the only world leader to deny climate science, failed to mention climate change even once.