Press Releases

October 1, 2019

Donald Trump seemingly broke a long-held, bipartisan norm last night by seeking to fill only one of two open seats on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Rather than following established custom and pairing a Republican with a Democrat, Trump nominated only Republican James Danly, despite there being a qualified Democrat put forward. This decision harms the deliberative process in the Senate and FERC’s mission of being a fair, nonpolitical arbiter of America’s energy markets.

October 1, 2019

NORTHEAST & MID-ATLANTIC – Today, the 12 states and D.C. participating in the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) released a draft regional policy proposal to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from transportation.

September 30, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today climate science denier William Perry Pendley’s time as Acting Director of the Bureau of Land Management expires.

September 30, 2019

This morning, the Sierra Club released a report that shows a Florida electric utility portfolio of additional renewable energy, storage, and demand-side management (DSM) could consistently meet, and beat, the performance characteristics of new proposed big methane gas fired power plants - and at a lower cost to consumers.

September 30, 2019

St. Louis, MO - Today, a federal judge in St. Louis ordered Ameren to comply with the Clean Air Act by installing pollution controls at its Rush Island and Labadie coal-fired power plants. Following a trial on remedies earlier this year, U.S. District Judge Rodney Sippel entered a 157-page Memorandum Opinion today which summarized the Court’s rulings.  Sierra Club intervened in this case in 2017.

September 30, 2019

Today the Sierra Club filed an objection to the proposed settlement in WEC Energy Group’s ongoing rate cases.

September 28, 2019

Duluth, MN -- Nearly 1,000 people gathered today on the shores of Gichi-gami—Lake Superior— for a rally and march to express their ongoing opposition to Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline. The crowd expressed appreciation to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for yesterday's denial of a key water crossing permit for the pipeline, and urged the Walz administration to continue to do everything in their power to ensure that this pipeline is never built. 

September 27, 2019

St. Paul, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) dealt yet another setback to Enbridge’s controversial proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline when it denied a key water crossing permit for the pipeline. This could set the timeline for the proposed pipeline back by six months or longer.

September 27, 2019

CHAPEL HILL, NC -- This week, Chapel Hill’s Town Council unanimously passed a resolution establishing a goal of 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050. The resolution also sets an interim goal of 80% clean, renewable energy by 2030.

September 27, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Sierra Club and Earthjustice, along with a coalition of other environmental groups, filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration for its attack on California, stripping the state’s authority to set more stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) vehicle standards than the federal standards, and rescinding California’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate.