Press Releases

January 10, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the PFAS Action Act (H.R. 535) with bipartisan support. The PFAS Action Act, introduced by Rep. Debbie Dingell and cosponsored by Reps. Fred Upton and Dan Kildee, will require the EPA to protect military families and our nation’s drinking water by designating all per- and poly-fluoroalkl substances (PFAS) as hazardous within one year of the bill becoming law, add the chemicals to the Clean Air Act, and authorize millions of dollars for research and water treatment.

January 9, 2020

A coalition of some of the nation’s leading climate, youth, and Indigenous organizations will launch a major new mobilization on Friday, Stop the Money Pipeline, that will pressure banks, insurance companies and asset managers to stop financing fossil fuels and deforestation and start respecting human rights and Indigenous sovereignty.

January 9, 2020

Today, BlackRock announced that it will be joining Climate Action 100+. In response to the decision, members of the BlackRock’s Big Problem network issued the following statements:

January 9, 2020

Today, Tri-State Generation and Transmission announced its intention to close two coal plants and one coal mine ahead of schedule. Tri-State will retire the Escalante coal plant in New Mexico in 2020 and units 2 and 3 at the Craig coal plant in Colorado sometime before 2030; Craig 1 is already scheduled for retirement in 2025. Tri-State also announced early closure of the Colowyo coal mine in Colorado.

January 9, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration’s White House Council on Environmental Quality released new regulations that gut requirements for environmental reviews of fossil fuel projects under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 

January 8, 2020

Albany, N.Y.—Yesterday, Governor Cuomo made climate resilience and climate change solutions implementation a focal point of his State of the State address, announcing new investments and programs in clean energy, clean transportation, and a major $3 billion bond act to preserve and revitalize thousands of acres of ecologically important land as part of a ‘Restore Mother Nature’ platform.

8 de enero de 2020

Arkansas PSC aprobó hoy el retiro de la planta térmica carbonera de Dolet Hills en un acuerdo con Southwestern Electric Power Company, convirtiéndola en la número 300 de su tipo desde el principio de la Campaña Más Allá del Carbón del Sierra Club.

January 8, 2020

Arkansas PSC approved the retirement of the Dolet Hills Power Station today, in a settlement with Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO), making it the 300th coal plant proposed to retire since the beginning of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign.

January 8, 2020

ARKANSAS - Today, Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) announced the retirement of the Dolet Hills coal-fired power plant as part of a settlement with Sierra Club in the Arkansas Public Service Commission. Communities in Shreveport and Northeastern Louisiana have long been affected by air pollution from Dolet Hills, while communities in Arkansas have had to foot the bill to keep the expensive and aging coal plant in operation.

January 8, 2020

Oakland, CA—Sierra magazine’s January/ February edition is now on newsstands and arriving at subscribers’ homes.

Highlights include: