Press Releases

May 6, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the Sierra Club’s Gender Equity and Environment Program and Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) launched the second annual U.S. Accelerator for Grassroots Women Environmental Leaders. Building on the success of the 2019 U.S. program, the 2020 Accelerator will continue to support a diverse group of women leaders working on the frontlines of environmental and climate justice. The program will deepen cross-organizational strategies for change, build powerful alliances within and across movements, and scale solutions for environmental protection, health, and justice.

May 6, 2020

PUEBLO, CO — Yesterday, Pueblo residents voted on whether or not to off-ramp from their electric utility, Black Hills Energy (BHE). In a disappointing vote, Pueblo voted “No” on 2A to keep their utility after Pueblo Cares, a dark money group, funneled $1.5 million into a fear-mongering “Vote No” campaign.

Nick Gradisar, Mayor of Pueblo, said this in response to the vote: 

May 6, 2020

Today, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved a permit for air pollution from the Texas LNG fracked gas export facility. Texas LNG is one of three fracked gas export terminals proposed for the Rio Grande Valley, the cumulative impacts of which could be devastating for local communities

May 5, 2020

Oakland, CA— Sierra magazine’s May/ June edition is now on newsstands and arriving at subscribers’ homes.

The current issue focuses on the structural problems afflicting American democracy, and draws a line between our political system’s weaknesses and often lackluster environmental protections. Highlights include: 

May 5, 2020

Washington, DC-- Today, Secretary of the Interior Bernhardt officially extended the Bureau of Land Management Acting Director Pendley’s appointment until June 5, 2020.  

In response, Lena Moffitt, Director of the Sierra Club’s Our Wild America campaign, released the following statement: 

May 1, 2020

RICHMOND, VA - Today, Dominion Energy filed its Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) with Virginia’s State Corporation Commission. The IRP is a sweeping projection of future energy demand and how the utility plans to meet the commonwealth’s energy needs.  

May 1, 2020

Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) issued orders on the controversial Line 3 tar sands pipeline deeming their latest environmental impact statement adequate, despite the fact that it downplayed the risks to Minnesota’s water resources, and reissued the certificate of need and route permit for the pipeline.

April 30, 2020

Austin, TX -- The Sierra Club filed a lawsuit today against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for permitting the ongoing construction of the 428-mile Permian Highway fracked gas pipeline, despite a federal court order vacating the nationwide permit on which the pipeline’s 449 water crossings are based, and for not performing the environmental review required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 

April 29, 2020

Today, more than 60 environmental, labor and social justice groups are calling for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee to extend the moratorium preventing public and private utilities from shutting off essential services like energy, water and telecommunications to their ratepayers. The current moratorium expires on Monday, May 4.

April 28, 2020

While the report shows that Duke, the largest investor-owned electric utility in the country, is aware of the need to increase the use of renewable energy, the utility is falling short on addressing its role in the climate crisis: Duke plans to still have 9 gigawatts of dirty coal online in 2030; to expand its fracked gas buildout through 2030, including the over-budget, unnecessary Atlantic Coast Pipeline; and to make only minimal commitments to energy efficiency and demand side management programs, which would immediately lower costs for families and businesses.