Press Releases

September 14, 2020

SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 -- NEW YORK, NY -- Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Sierra Club today announced that the U.S. Beyond Coal campaign has successfully retired 60% of domestic coal-fired power plants – 318 out of 530 plants, to date. This milestone doubles the original goal, set in 2011, which pledged to retire 30 percent of the nation’s coal fleet by 2020 and accelerate the United States’ transition to a clean energy economy.

September 14, 2020

OAKLAND -- Donald Trump today visited California for a briefing on wildfires burning across the Pacific Northwest. During his remarks, Trump once again promoted his denial of climate science.

September 14, 2020

Richmond, VA -- Today, in hearings before the State Corporation Committee (SCC), 

the Sierra Club testified against Appalachian Power’s attempt to almost double the basic service charge and force consumers to needlessly subsidize continued operations for archaic coal plants. The proposed increase includes a ‘coal amortization rider’ which would make consumers needlessly stockpile their money for the company in order to further reliance on fossil fuels. 

September 14, 2020

Despite bipartisan demands for Donald Trump and Senate Republicans to pass a relief package providing immediate relief for families suffering -- including the hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work according to a new analysis released today by BW Research Partnership -- action remains stalled.

September 14, 2020

Water and climate advocacy organizations submitted comments and signatures from exactly 43,000 people demanding FERC deny the fracked gas MVP more time to construct the pipeline

September 11, 2020

St. Paul, MN -- Today, Republicans in the Minnesota Senate voted to fire Department of Commerce Commissioner Steve Kelley in retaliation for doing his job and carrying out the mission of the Department of Commerce, which is charged with protecting the public interest and strengthening Minnesota’s economic future. 

September 10, 2020

St. Louis, MO -- Ameren Missouri needs to release a justice-centered transition to 100% clean energy by 2030 that will reduce air and water pollution, create jobs, and avert the worst impacts of our changing climate. That’s the message delivered today by community leaders as Ameren nears the October 1, 2020 submission deadline for its long-range energy planning strategy, known as an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

10 de septiembre de 2020

El fracasado intento de McConnell surge tras casi cuatro meses tras que los demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes aprobaran la Ley HEROES de $3 billones (trillions), la cual ofrecería suficientes fondos para, entre otros propósitos, los gobiernos estatales, locales y tribales, los trabajadores de emergencia y los hospitales.

September 10, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, Senate Democrats rejected Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans insufficient COVID relief package. McConnell’s failed attempt comes nearly four months after House Democrats passed the $3 trillion HEROES Act, which would provide the necessary funds for, among others, state, local, and Tribal governments, first responders, and hospitals. 

September 10, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC -- A coalition of grassroots groups, labor unions, Black, Brown and Indigenous leaders from across the nation, and members of Congress today announced the introduction of a bold plan for economic renewal known as the THRIVE Agenda.