Press Releases

December 14, 2020

The Trump administration will release its draft environmental review tomorrow of a proposal to conduct destructive seismic exploration in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

December 14, 2020

Today, the Sierra Club announced its support for the Tennessee Valley Authority announcement that it will be taking steps to promote the widespread adoption of electric vehicles throughout its seven-state service region.

December 14, 2020

Grassroots coalition rallies residents in Kern County and across California to oppose massive oil and gas expansion

December 11, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -  Earlier this week, the DC Public Service Commission put District gas customers on the hook for another $150 million investment in Washington Gas’s outdated pipeline spending proposal. The full, 30-year spending proposal will cost ratepayers up to $4.5 billion on the gas utility’s fossil fuel distribution system, which itself is only valued at $525 million. Washington Gas’s plan is incompatible with DC’s climate commitment to phase out fossil use by 2050 and flies in the face of the real actions needed and outlined in the Clean Energy DC plan.

December 11, 2020

Reno, NV-- A broad coalition of conservationists, Native Americans, sportsmen and women, elected officials and others are celebrating the Congressional vote today that denies the U.S. military its long sought-after expansions of two major facilities in Nevada, at the Fallon Naval Air Station and the Nellis Test and Training Range. 

December 11, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Five years ago tomorrow, the Paris Climate Agreement was reached among 195 countries to limit further increase in global temperatures and stave off the worst effects of the climate crisis. Just last month, the Trump Administration completed the process to formally withdrawal the U.S. from the agreement. However, President-elect Biden has recognized that climate change is the “number one issue facing humanity” and has committed to rejoining the Paris Agreement on day one of his presidency.

December 10, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Across the country, families and friends are grieving the loss of the nearly 300,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19, including more than 10,000 this week alone. Hospitals are running critically short of intensive care beds. Millions of families are struggling to put food on their plates and pay their bills as unemployment insurance will run out on December 26th.

December 10, 2020

Today the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act. The massive defense policy bill includes measures to increase military climate-preparedness, to begin addressing toxic PFAS contamination, and notably to redesignate military installations currently named after prominent Confederate military and political leaders. Trump has threatened to veto the legislation, the latest example of his public defense of the Confederacy and Confederate icons around the country.

December 10, 2020

South Carolina Public Service Commissioners have unanimously rejected Dominion Energy’s proposed plan for how it would provide electricity to customers over the next several years, and have ordered the utility to file a modified plan within 60 days.

December 10, 2020

Today the Washington Utility and Transportation Commission unanimously approved utilities' request that they be able to roll many COVID-related expenses into the rates charged to Washington families, despite opposition from the Attorney General's office and every stakeholder who gave public comment before the meeting.