Press Releases

January 24, 2021

NEW ORLEANS, LA -- The Sierra Club released a groundbreaking report and research tool today that grades utilities based on their plans to retire coal plants, stop building new gas plants, and invest in clean energy. The tool gives the public the power to judge each utility’s climate progress based on its stated carbon reduction goals and how that compares to what science actually demands.

January 24, 2021

LITTLE ROCK, AR -- The Sierra Club released a groundbreaking report and research tool today, which grades utilities based on their plans to retire coal plants, stop building new gas plants, and invest in clean energy -- allowing readers to judge each utility’s climate progress based on its stated carbon reduction goals and how that compares to what science actually demands. Sierra Club will update the scores in this analysis on a regular basis.

January 24, 2021

The Sierra Club released a groundbreaking report and research tool today, which grades utilities based on their plans to retire coal plants, stop building new gas plants, and invest in clean energy -- allowing readers to judge each utility’s climate progress and how it compares to what science demands.

January 22, 2021

Sierra Club embraces the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) “Entering into Force” January 22, 2021.

January 22, 2021

Today marked the end of a two and a half year public input process by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to reevaluate and, potentially, modernize the state’s energy system. In August 2018, the ACC opened up a docket (RU-00000A-18-0284) colloquially known as the Arizona Clean Energy Rules, which could impact everything from updating energy use and efficiency standards to utilities’ resource planning rules. In November 2020, the ACC voted to advance the energy rules to formal rulemaking.

January 22, 2021

Today, a coalition of environmental and community groups brought a challenge to a Trump Administration rule designed to make it harder for communities impacted by coal mining to hold state regulators and mining companies accountable for violating environmental protections. The Trump rule inserts a new process which, at best, will significantly delay actions to address violations and, at worst, will allow regulators to avoid addressing these violations entirely.

January 21, 2021

Today, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) set an aspirational goal to reach “net zero carbon emissions” across its electric and gas operations by 2045, and to cut gas — for use in homes and buildings — 30% by 2030. However, the utility has no plans to stop distributing polluting-gas to customers, or even to stop plans for near-term expansion of gas infrastructure for electric generation.

January 20, 2021

With the inauguration of President Joe Biden, leading environmental groups are celebrating the end of the Trump administration’s assault on the Clean Water Act and the beginning of a new era of clean water safeguards. Some of the Trump administration’s most short-sighted attacks on public health and environmental laws rolled back critical clean water protections that enjoy overwhelming bipartisan support, hold polluters accountable, and protect our country’s precious waterways.

21 de enero de 2021

El Presidente Biden firmó ayer una orden ejecutiva que rescinde la declaración de emergencia nacional de Donald Trump que usó para imponer un muro fronterizo con fondos militares.

January 21, 2021

Arizona/  California/ New Mexico/ Texas— Yesterday, President Biden signed an executive order to rescind Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration that was used to rush the imposition of border walls with money from the military’s budget.