Press Releases

January 13, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Days after President Biden endorsed Senate rules reform to protect our right to vote, leading environmental organizations are reiterating the call for the Senate to ensure final passage of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act by reforming the filibuster to overcome Republican obstruction.

January 13, 2022

Powder River Basin Resource Council, National Parks Conservation Association, and Sierra Club welcomed a decision from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposing to deny a change to a long-standing pollution control plan for the Jim Bridger coal plant in Wyoming.

January 13, 2022

CHICAGO, IL (January 13, 2022) - The Illinois 4th District Appellate Court issued its decision in the appeal of the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) decision approving the Dakota Access Pipeline and Energy Transfer Crude Oil Pipeline expansion. Save Our Illinois Land (SOIL), the Sierra Club, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), and area landowner William Klingele had filed an appeal in January 2021.  

January 12, 2022

Washington, DC – Today, the American Petroleum Institute released its annual “State of American Energy” report. In the report, API calls for expanded oil and gas drilling and loosened regulations, claiming that these policy changes are necessary to ensure low prices and energy independence. 

January 12, 2022

Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it will require utilities in several Midwestern states to clean up their coal ash waste. Coal ash is toxic waste produced by coal-burning power plants. For decades, coal ash has been dumped into giant pits or ponds, where toxic chemicals have leaked into the water, contaminated soil, and poisoned air. Coal ash continues to be a serious health and safety hazard even after a coal plant is decommissioned unless the waste left behind is removed and safely disposed of.

January 12, 2022

*** Senior Sierra Club policy staff and leadership, along with grassroots volunteers, are available to discuss the urgent need for Congress to take meaningful action on climate, jobs and justice. *** 

Every day, people in communities across the United States suffer immediate and worsening effects of the interlocking crises of climate, health, economic insecurity, and injustice -- impacts that could be addressed by swift passage of the Build Back Better Act. 

January 12, 2022

New York – Today, the Biden Administration announced an auction for lease areas to develop up to 7GW of new offshore wind in the New York Bight. The announcement marks major progress towards President Biden’s goal of developing 30GW of offshore wind by 2030.

January 11, 2022

St. Louis, MO – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that Ameren Missouri failed to provide enough information to demonstrate its ability to safely operate coal waste facilities at its Meramec and Sioux coal-burning power plants.

11 de enero de 2022

Esta tarde, durante un discurso en el distrito electoral del fallecido congresista John Lewis, el Presidente Biden y la Vicepresidenta Harris urgieron al Senado a cambiar las reglas del Senado para aprobar la Ley de Libertad para Votar y la Ley John Lewis de Avance de los Derechos del Votante (VRAA).

January 11, 2022

ATLANTA -- This afternoon, during a speech in the late Congressman John Lewis’ district, President Biden and Vice President Harris called on the Senate to change the Senate rules to pass the Freedom To Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. This marks the first time President Biden has publicly called on the Senate to change the Jim Crow filibuster.