Press Releases

May 17, 2022

BRUSSELS -- Today, European Union adopted its RePowerEU plan to begin eliminating Russian fossil fuel imports. RePowerEU will focus on increasing energy efficiency and demand savings, reducing bottlenecks for clean energy projects, and expanding solar energy, with the goal of cutting the EU’s fossil gas imports from Russia by two-thirds this year and the remaining one-third by 2027. At the same time, the EU also released its International Energy Strategy, which will partially focus on increasing imports of false solutions like blue hydrogen and fossil gas through deals with the US, Egypt, Israel, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Japan, Korea, and other countries.

May 17, 2022

Today, Dane County Circuit Court rejected Sierra Club and Clean Wisconsin’s arguments that the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) failed to adequately consider environmental impacts for the $700 million Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) gas plant proposed by Dairyland Power Minnesota Power, and Basin Electric in Superior, Wisconsin.

17 de mayo de 2022

Esta mañana, los accionistas de JPMorgan Chase fracasaron en su intento de aprobar resoluciones climáticas claves, al rechazar propuestas que hubieran obligado al banco acabar su apoyo al desarrollo de nuevas explotaciones de combustibles fósiles y para establecer objetivos absolutos de reducción de la financiación de emisiones de efecto invernadero.

May 17, 2022

NEW YORK — This morning, JPMorgan Chase shareholders failed to pass two key climate resolutions, voting down proposals to push the bank to end its support for new fossil fuel development and to set absolute targets for reducing its financed greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the outcome, climate activists applauded the final votes, as well as shareholder votes on unprecedented climate resolutions at other big U.S.

May 17, 2022

ATLANTA, GA -- Today, the Sierra Club is announcing the release of its Report Card that evaluates Georgia Power’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), a proposal that will guide energy production in the state for the next 20 years. 

May 16, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This week the Sierra Club is launching a targeted ad campaign in nine states urging Senate Democrats to pass bold climate action that invests in communities struggling with rising prices, systemic injustice, and economic inequity. 

This ad campaign continues the momentum of the movement-wide grassroots mobilization on Earth Day demanding that Congress address the interlocking crises of climate change, high energy costs, lack of access to care, and environmental injustice.

May 16, 2022

Today is the last day of EPA’s comment period for a proposed rule that would reduce pollution from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. The rule that would govern trucks and buses across the nation and impact millions of Americans. The rule would go into effect for model year 2027.

May 16, 2022

This week, the Outdoors Alliance for Kids is launching a week of advocacy with the goal of closing the nature equity gap and empowering youth and families across the country to make critical direct connections with nature. The week is highlighted by a Day of Advocacy and Outdoor Activities in Rock Creek Park led by young activists who are at the forefront of the effort to protect public lands, expand access to the outdoors, and improve health and wellbeing. During the series of events, OAK will also honor the efforts and works of decision-makers and advocates in the field of nature equity and outdoors access.

May 12, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Sierra Club and Elders Climate Action filed an administrative appeal to challenge the Postal Service’s rejection of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see the Oshkosh proposal for 165,000 gas-powered delivery trucks. The appeal demands that the USPS release more than 2,000 pages of records being withheld by the agency.

May 12, 2022

Boston, MA - Today, Mayor Wu announced a $2 billion plan to overhaul Boston Public School facilities, which includes new construction and renovation projects and district-wide upgrades. The plan will be initiated by a $605 million investment in the FY23 Capital Plan for major new projects, staffing and planning tools to deliver long needed improvements.