Press Releases

July 19, 2022

Today, Sierra Club, along with HealthyGulf, filed a lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers for issuing a Clean Water Act section 404 “dredge and fill” permit for the Driftwood LNG fracked gas export terminal proposed for construction in Calcasieu Parish in Southwest Louisiana.

July 19, 2022

*** Senior Sierra Club staff and leadership are available to discuss the path forward to achieve the country’s goals for climate, clean energy, and environmental justice. ***

July 18, 2022

Yesterday, House Bill 2644 became law as part of a budget deal Governor Wolf struck with the General Assembly.

July 12, 2022

The bill aims to clean up the shipping industry, protect the health of port communities, address environmental injustice, and provide solutions to the climate crisis. If ocean shipping were a country, it would be the sixth largest producer of climate pollution globally.

15 de julio de 2022

Anoche se reportó que el Senador Manchin ha abandonado los esfuerzos por lograr cruciales inversiones en la acción climática, energía limpia y justicia ambiental.

July 15, 2022

ATLANTA, GA -- Yesterday, the Georgia Supreme Court denied Sierra Club’s petition to review a 2019 Public Service Commission (PSC) decision that gave Georgia Power almost unlimited power to collect fees from customers for coal ash clean up, despite the utility’s prior knowledge that coal ash contaminates groundwater.

July 14, 2022

The Sierra Club applauds the Council of the District of Columbia for voting unanimously to start transitioning DC off fossil fuels and toward clean and efficient electric systems in new buildings.

July 14, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Late last night, it was reported that Senator Joe Manchin is abandoning the effort to make critical investments in climate action, clean energy, and environmental justice. At a time when families are facing rising energy costs and pain at the pump, a budget reconciliation package would put money back in the pockets of the workers who are most impacted by economic inequity and the costs of climate-fueled disasters.

July 14, 2022

ARIZONA – Today the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) heard from clean air advocates calling for strengthened pollution reduction measures to restore clean skies in Arizona’s national parks like Grand Canyon, Saguaro, and Petrified Forest National Parks, and to protect vulnerable communities that often live in close proximity to polluting facilities that degrade air quality and exacerbate the climate crisis.

July 14, 2022

Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs tout inclusion in Banking on Climate Chaos report in response to inquiries on fossil fuel financing