
November 1, 2017

Today, an Administrative Law Judge issued a recommendation to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission that the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s final environmental impact statement on Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline is adequate, in spite of significant flaws in the report.

November 1, 2017

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection abdicated its responsibility to review the water quality impacts of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline.

October 30, 2017

The Sierra Club and allied groups filed an emergency motion for stay in federal court to stop ongoing construction of the fracked gas Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline while legal challenges to it are being decided. FERC is seeking to rush construction without allowing for appropriate judicial review.

October 27, 2017

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality announced it has asked the builders of the proposed fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline for additional information on the project.

October 26, 2017

The Sierra Club and partner organizations filed a protest with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) over the renewed proposal for the Jordan Cove LNG export facility and associated Pacific Connector pipeline. The Jordan Cove terminal was twice rejected by FERC last year because its public interest value did not outweigh the project’s risks and negative effects, but has been revived yet again under the Trump administration.

October 23, 2017

Today, in surrebuttal testimony submitted to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the Minnesota Department of Commerce (DoC) confirmed its original finding that Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline project is not needed and that the risks outweigh any limited benefits.

October 17, 2017

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals today granted an unusual request from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - to throw out DEP’s approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and let them start anew.

October 16, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, the State Department granted a cross-border permit for Enbridge’s Line 67, or Alberta Clipper, tar sands pipeline expansion. Since 2015, Enbridge has already been moving an expanded amount of tar sands across the border, since the company connected Line 67 to the nearby Line 3 tar sands pipeline. This scheme allowed them to bypass State’s environmental review because Line 3’s original cross-border permit was older and did not specify a maximum capacity.

October 15, 2017

The Rover pipeline has been spilling gasoline in an ongoing, days-long discharge into a Pinckney, Michigan wetland.

October 13, 2017

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), after recently regaining a quorum, granted federal approval for the fracked gas Atlantic Coast (ACP) and Mountain Valley (MVP) pipelines.

October 12, 2017

Today, attorneys for the Sierra Club and Appalachian Mountain Advocates filed an appeal to the Virginia Supreme Court to ensure that a deal for fracked gas shipping capacity is reviewed for conflicts of interest. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline presents a major conflict of interest because the companies that own the pipeline, including Dominion Energy, also own the utilities that have purchased shipping capacity on the pipeline.

October 9, 2017

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has rejected a vital part of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s (ACP) construction process. ACP cannot start construction in North Carolina without DEQ’s approval of this plan and now must either submit a revised plan or contest the rejection.