
April 10, 2019

Today, only miles from two recent environmental tragedies, Donald Trump signed an executive order that would erode bedrock protections for water and communities while seeking to roll back commonsense safeguards contained in the Clean Water Act

March 26, 2019

Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good conceded that because “Atlantic Coast pipeline was sized and designed with a time frame,” the energy giant may need to move on to another project

March 4, 2019

This weekend, Canadian pipeline company Enbridge announced that plans for their proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline have been delayed by a year. The pipeline was originally proposed in 2014 with a target in-service date of late 2017, but has faced significant public opposition since then because of the threat it would pose to critical water resources, Indigenous rights, and the climate.

March 1, 2019

Today, the Virginia State Water Control Board failed to establish a process for revoking the Water Quality Certificate for the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline

February 12, 2019

Yesterday, the Sierra Club launched their #TellTheTruthTECO campaign, designed to hold the Tampa Electric Company (TECO) accountable for doubling down on climate-disrupting fossil fuels like coal and gas, even as they prepare for the effects of climate change

February 6, 2019

Today, a coalition of climate and clean water advocates are applauding the latest move to protect Maryland’s waters from dirty, dangerous fracked gas pipelines, the Maryland Pipeline and Water Protection Act (PAWPA)

February 6, 2019

a coalition of climate and clean water advocates will hold a Telepresser to discuss new legislation designed to protect Maryland’s waters from dirty, dangerous fracked gas pipelines

February 5, 2019

Today, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) granted the final air permit for Tampa Electric Company’s (TECO) proposal to lock the Tampa Bay area into decades of dependence on climate-disrupting fossil fuels

January 22, 2019

Florida Power and Light (FPL) announced they would install tens of millions of new solar panels by 2030. While this is a positive step forward, their announcement left out some crucial perspective.

January 8, 2019

The Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board voted to grant a permit to Dominion Energy for the Buckingham Compressor Station, a 54,000 horsepower industrial facility proposed for the historic Union Hill community in Buckingham County. The facility will pump fracked-gas through Dominion’s controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

January 2, 2019

The Maryland Board of Public Works (Board) voted 3-0 to deny a crucial easement to the fracked gas Potomac Pipeline

December 21, 2018

Today, on the Friday before Christmas, the Department of Environmental Quality opened a comment period on specific documents newly submitted to the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board (Board) on the Buckingham County Compressor station.