
December 6, 2022

Washington, DC – Tonight, in a victory for frontline communities, Senator Manchin’s permitting bill has been blocked from being included in must-pass legislation set to be voted on this month. The permitting legislation would have rolled back federal permitting requirements under bedrock environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Clean Water Act, forcing dirty infrastructure projects on vulnerable, environmental justice communities and jeopardizing the clean air and water of many across the country.

December 2, 2022

Brownsville, Texas - Weeks after NextDecade started clear-cutting land for its fracked gas export terminal, Rio Grande LNG, in the Rio Grande Valley, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) made steps towards speeding through its review of the proposed Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project.

November 17, 2022

Despite clear evidence that liquified methane gas (LNG) exports are harmful to domestic energy consumers and are disastrous for frontline communities and the climate, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Commonwealth LNG export terminal, the first such certification in 2.5 years.

11 de noviembre de 2022

Durante su discurso de hoy en la COP27, el Presidente Biden mencionó la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación (IRA)—la mayor ley climática de la historia—y que el Senado ratificó la Enmienda de Kigali como indicadores claves del progreso climático de Estados Unidos.

November 11, 2022

Today, in advance of President Biden on the world stage at COP27 Climate Conference, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a supplemental rule proposal that would establish strong, commonsense protections against methane and other harmful pollution from the oil and gas industry.

November 10, 2022

SHARM EL-SHEIKH -- This morning at COP27, Climate Action Tracker released a new analysis that found that the carbon emissions from all under-construction, approved, and proposed Liquefied Methane (“natural”) Gas (LNG) projects between 2021-2050 will use up 10 percent of the remaining carbon budget, dramatically overshooting the emissions

November 3, 2022

This morning, local residents and members of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas gathered along HWY 48 outside the proposed site of Rio Grande LNG where clear-cutting is currently taking place.

October 27, 2022

Groups are urging the Department of Energy (DOE) to take long overdue action in response to a petition for rulemaking regarding liquefied methane gas (LNG) export policy filed by the groups in 2013. The original petition points to the fact that DOE has never specifically articulated a policy for reviewing LNG export applications. Without such a policy, DOE has failed to weigh the environmental and public health impacts of increased fracked gas production for export, nor adequately consider the economic impacts on American consumers who face higher energy prices in the face of increased exports of that gas overseas. 

October 21, 2022

Raleigh, NC – Yesterday, Mountain Valley Pipeline withdrew the pipeline’s proposed Southgate extension’s eminent domain proceedings in North Carolina – abandoning their efforts to secure the land necessary to build that section of the pipeline. Without this land, the Mountain Valley Southgate extension is unlikely to ever be built.

October 21, 2022

Sierra Club and South Texas communities delivered technical and public comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging the agency to stop Rio Grande LNG and Texas LNG, two fracked gas LNG export terminals proposed for the Rio Grande Valley, and have been under a re-review of their environmental justice impacts on the region.

October 18, 2022

Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network analysis details community & Indigenous opposition, climate & health impacts, ecosystem damage, reputational & financial risk

October 17, 2022

Today, Sierra Club launched Breaking the Cycle, a new podcast that features interviews with frontline community leaders and environmental advocates that live along the fracking cycle in the Permian Basin and Gulf Coast.