
November 17, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Sierra Club’s Executive Director Michael Brune, Attorney General of Connecticut William Tong, Assistant Attorney General of Michigan Peter Manning, and local voices will speak against the Trump Administration’s illegal attempt to erode section 401 of the Clean Water Act during a telepresser the morning of a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing. 

November 15, 2019

[WASHINGTON, DC] -- Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and fracked gas pipeline. This project has faced fierce opposition for more than a decade by a grassroots coalition of impacted landowners, anglers, small business owners, tribal members, health professionals, and communities across Oregon and Northern California. 

November 12, 2019

Nov. 12, 2019 (Tacoma, Wash.)Today, a coalition of public health and environmental groups challenged federal approvals for Northwest Innovation Works’ massive fracked gas-to-methanol refinery proposed for Kalama, Washington. 

November 11, 2019

DULUTH, MN-- Two gas plant proposals would cost Minnesota ratepayers more for electricity than comparable clean energy portfolios (CEP), as shown in a Sierra Club analysis using a methodology and algorithm developed by Rocky Mountain Institute. In both cases, CEPs would provide the same energy, peak capacity, and ramping characteristics as the proposed gas plants, but at a lower cost, saving ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

October 30, 2019

This week, advocates from both Wisconsin and Minnesota testified in opposition to the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) gas plant proposed for construction in Superior, just two miles from the Minnesota border. The plant, proposed by Minnesota Power and Dairyland Power, has already been approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and must now get approval from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). At the hearing teenagers, seniors, residents of Wisconsin and Minnesota, including members of the Fond du Lac, Red Cliff, and Bad River Bands spoke in opposition to the plant. Testifiers raised concerns about climate change, treaty violations, the safety risks of being near the Husky Refinery, and the potential impact on Lake Superior. The project’s financial cost as well as climate and local environmental impacts were chief concerns among those in opposition.

October 22, 2019

Proposed petrochemical hub, increased fracking, and pollution safeguard rollbacks threaten health, safety, and clean drinking water in the Ohio River Valley

October 18, 2019

Today, Donald Trump’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) unveiled a plan to allow liquefied fracked gas to be transported by rail.

October 18, 2019

Virginia announced an agreement to purchase clean energy for the state government, but the state’s utility still plans to use dirty fossil fuel power plants and is still pursuing fracked gas projects

October 16, 2019

Late yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) ordered the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to halt construction activities along the entire 303-mile route of the project

October 15, 2019

hundreds of clean water activists joined hands across the Potomac River to protest plans by Columbia Gas to revive a fracked gas pipeline project that has already been rejected by the state of Maryland

October 11, 2019

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has put a hold on two permits that the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) requires to proceed with construction activities

October 11, 2019

Virginia announced Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC will pay a $2.15 million penalty and must adhere to additional monitoring and environmental protections