
January 18, 2022

Today, the Glenfarne Group's proposed Texas LNG project at the Port of Brownsville entered into a 20-year deal to buy 720 million cubic feet of fracked gas per day from the existing Enbridge's Valley Crossing Pipeline

January 12, 2022

Washington, DC – Today, the American Petroleum Institute released its annual “State of American Energy” report. In the report, API calls for expanded oil and gas drilling and loosened regulations, claiming that these policy changes are necessary to ensure low prices and energy independence. 

January 4, 2022

Earlier this week, gas supply companies in West Texas released excessive levels of pollution on at least 18 occasions as a result of equipment failure and freezing temperatures. Nearly a year after the massive gas supply and power failure during Winter Storm Uri that left hundreds of Texans dead and millions of Texans in the dark, the incidents show that our fossil fuel-dependent energy system continues to be unreliable, polluting, and unprepared for the impacts of the climate crisis.

January 3, 2022

A new lawsuit filed today challenges West Virginia’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approval of a key water-quality permit for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline. The lawsuit argues that WVDEP’s approval violates the Clean Water Act.

December 30, 2021

Today, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) issued a water quality certification for the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline, under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Planned to run over 300 miles through West Virginia and Virginia, the pipeline would cross hundreds of streams, wetlands and several major rivers that would lead to long-term degradation to water quality.

December 22, 2021

A new legal action filed today challenges Virginia’s State Water Control Board approval of a key water quality permit for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline. The petition for review of the project was filed with the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond.

December 12, 2021

DULUTH, MN -- Sierra Club members and communities from around the Twin Ports continue to voice their opposition to a proposed fracked gas power plant--the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC)--to be built in Superior, Wisconsin. The proposed gas plant is now a joint effort between Duluth-based Minnesota Power, Wisconsin-based Dairyland Power, and North Dakota-based Basin Electric. NTEC would be built along 31st Ave E, between Grand Ave and E 10th St, close to homes, schools, and businesses, and only a few miles from Lake Superior.

December 12, 2021

MINNEAPOLIS, MN -- Today, the the Energy We Can’t Afford coalition--which includes, SP350, MN350, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Vote Solar, Environment Minnesota, Community Power, Fresh Energy, Cooperative Energy Futures, and the Sierra Club--launched a public education campaign to inform Minnesotans that so-called “natural gas” is primarily methane, a dirty and dangerous fossil fuel.

December 8, 2021

Today, the US Energy Information Administration released new findings showing that the United States is on track to have the world’s largest LNG export capacity by the end of next year.

December 7, 2021

Today, the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) submitted comments to the Department of Energy (DOE) urging the department to deny fossil fuel corporation Freeport LNG’s request to increase their export volumes

December 3, 2021

Today, in a victory for environmental justice, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board voted 6-1 to deny the air quality permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station. Without this key permit, the Mountain Valley Pipeline and its Southgate extension are unlikely to ever be built.

December 3, 2021

Yesterday, the Virginia-based fossil fuel corporation Venture Global filed a formal application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for CP2 LNG, a fracked gas export terminal proposed for construction in Cameron, Louisiana, just south of Lake Charles. If built, CP2 LNG would be built directly next to Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG, which is already under construction.