
November 13, 2019

United States District Judge Joe Billy McDade approved today a settlement agreement between the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Respiratory Health Association (RHA), and Vistra Energy to resolve the Clean Air Act lawsuit brought by environmental organizations in 2013. The settlement includes the retirement of the E.D. Edwards coal-fired power plant by the end of 2022 and $8.6 million in funding for workforce development and public health and environmental projects that benefit Peoria-area communities.

November 12, 2019

Oakland, Calif., — Today, eighteen months after Judge Vince Chhabria struck down the City of Oakland’s ban on handling and storage of coal at the former Oakland Army Base, the case was argued on appeal before three Ninth Circuit judges. They heard oral arguments on the appeal by the City of Oakland, Sierra Club, and San Francisco Baykeeper. 

November 11, 2019

San Francisco, CA-- Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments on a challenge to President Trump’s abuse of emergency powers to take border wall funds Congress denied. The lawsuit, Sierra Club v. Trump, was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the Sierra Club and the Southern Border Communities Coalition. 

November 8, 2019

A federal judge blocked the 2,000-acre expansion of a coal mine in the wildlands of Colorado’s Gunnison National Forest today, ordering the Trump administration to consider limiting methane emissions and address potential harm to water and fish.

September 23, 2019

As a result of a legal challenge to a massive proposed petrochemical facility in Belmont County, the company behind the project will implement several critical air pollution concerns that state regulators failed to address.

August 21, 2019

Environmental and animal protection groups today sued the Trump administration over its new regulations that dramatically weaken the Endangered Species Act.

August 14, 2019

LANSING, MI -- Earlier this week, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joined twenty two other Attorneys General and seven local governments in a lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s so-called “Affordable Clean Energy” rule, more appropriately called the Dirty Power Rule. Should it be enacted, the Dirty Power rule would gut the life-saving standards of the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, and do next to nothing to fight the climate crisis.

August 13, 2019

The Sierra Club and a coalition of environmental allies launched a lawsuit today challenging former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s “ACE” rule -- known by many as the Dirty Power Plan.

August 12, 2019

Conservation groups today launched a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)

August 12, 2019

In a lawsuit filed today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council are challenging a final rule issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) last month that lowers the penalties for automakers failing to meet the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.

August 6, 2019

Charleston, W.V.-- A coalition of West Virginian advocacy groups including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Appalachian Voices, and the Sierra Club sued four coal and chemical facilities alleging serious violations of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The facilities listed below have been dumping toxic pollutants into local waterways in violation of their permits. These lawsuits follow previous notice letters submitted to these companies in early June.

August 2, 2019

Yesterday, Sierra Club filed direct testimony of its expert witness in the rate case of Interstate Power & Light (IPL) at the Iowa Utilities Board. IPL owns all or part of seven coal plants in Iowa.