
June 9, 2021

Avon Lake Coal Plant slated to burn its last coal on Sept. 15th, as First Solar announces massive solar panel factory expansion near Toledo.

June 9, 2021

PITTSBURGH – For 51 years, the coal-fired Cheswick Generating Station has polluted the air and water northeast of Pittsburgh. Last night GenOn Holdings, Inc. announced that the plant will retire in September of this year.

June 2, 2021

On May 31, negotiations on a groundbreaking climate bill for Illinois broke down after Illinois’ largest climate polluter, the Prairie State Energy Campus (PSEC) coal plant, demanded a total exemption from pollution limits that would apply to Illinois fossil fuel power plants. PSEC is the single largest carbon polluter in Illinois, and the seventh largest carbon emitting power plant in the United States.

June 1, 2021

WEC Energy Group is proposing to charge customers $370 million plus interest, totaling more than $460 million, to build storage tanks to store extra fossil gas, in case they need it on cold days in the winter. WEC’s proposal assumes increasing use of fossil gas, year over year, infinitely.

May 28, 2021

TOPEKA, KS -- Evergy, the largest electric utility in Kansas and the second largest in Missouri, filed its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with Kansas regulators today. As expected, the plan is substantially similar to the utility’s Missouri IRP, which was filed late last month.

May 27, 2021

Today, Alliant Energy announced a settlement with Sierra Club, Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group, Citizens Utility Board, Clean Wisconsin, RENEW Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Paper Council, regarding the utility’s 2021 rate case. Sierra Club and Clean Wisconsin supported the utility’s proposed revenue requirement, but did not support its proposed rate design, as a result of which they are only signaling its support of the proposed revenue requirement. Sierra Club continues to advocate for improvements to Alliant Energy’s rate design.

May 20, 2021

A group of people from the Tampa Bay area, supported by allies in Nova Scotia, tried to attended the annual meeting of the shareholders of Emera, Inc. to demand that its subsidiaries, Tampa Electric Company (TECO) and Nova Scotia Power, abandon their plans to continue burning coal at its power plants. Tampa area shareholders attempted to get signed up for the meeting or get a proxy assigned but were given excuses in the final hour as to why they could not attend and vote.

May 17, 2021

HUNTINGTON, WV -- Today, the Sierra Club, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition and West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, filed a lawsuit against the U.S.

May 12, 2021

DULUTH, MN -- Environmental groups and clean energy advocates have released a scorecard evaluating Minnesota Power’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to educate the public on how the utility intends to provide energy to the Northland for the next 15 years.

May 11, 2021

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) submitted notice of its intent to file an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the retirement of the Cumberland Fossil Plant in Cumberland City, Tennessee. Through the upcoming EIS process, TVA will identify the timeline to retire the plant’s two coal units and if any replacement generation is needed.

May 7, 2021

CHARLESTON, WV -- Yesterday, the Sierra Club submitted expert testimony of Rachel Wilson of Synapse Energy Economics with the West Virginia Public Service Commission (WVPSC).

May 6, 2021

BlackRock and Vanguard Fail to Disclose How They Voted