
February 20, 2020

Today, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) asked the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) for permission to sell its 25% ownership stake in Colstrip Unit 4 to NorthWestern Energy, a Montana-based utility that intends to run the plant for the next 20 years. A copy of the filing is available HERE.

February 13, 2020

INDIANAPOLIS — The Sierra Club this week launched a statewide radio ad campaign urging residents to demand that the state Senate reject HB 1414, a piece of dangerous and unnecessary legislation that would slow the retirement of Indiana’s aging, polluting coal fleets, lead to higher bills for families and businesses, and worsen the climate crisis.

February 5, 2020

Today, NorthWestern Energy asked the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) for pre-approval to buy an additional 25% stake in Colstrip Unit 4 from Puget Sound Energy (PSE), potentially locking its customers into even higher electricity bills to pay for the aging, costly plant for the next 20 years.

February 3, 2020

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana House today passed HB 1414, a bill that would require the state’s utility regulatory commission to approve coal plant closures. The bill would also let electric utilities recover the costs for more coal, thereby incentivizing them to buy more coal and pass that cost onto customers.

January 27, 2020

Sierra Club applauds and fully supports the special resolution Indianapolis City-County Council members passed unanimously tonight, calling on local electric provider Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL) to update its 20-year energy plan filed with state regulators in December to include the full retirement of the Petersburg Super Polluter coal plant by 2028.

December 17, 2019

Georgia families and business will pay more on their monthly electric bills, and have less control of their energy costs, after the state’s Public Service Commission today approved a rate hike request from Georgia Power.

December 10, 2019

Today Puget Sound Energy (PSE) announced that they would be selling their stake in Colstrip Unit 4 to Montana-based NorthWestern Energy, which intends to run the plant into the 2040s.

December 8, 2019

Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL) today released its plan for how the utility will generate electricity for its more than 470,000 customers over the next two decades with a proposal to retire two units at the Petersburg Super Polluter coal plant, but will keep burning coal until 2042 at the two remaining units.

November 12, 2019

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- Last week, Ken Wagner, the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment, stated the State of Oklahoma is supportive and onboard with a proposal to devolve coal ash regulation out of the hands of the EPA and into the hands of Oklahoma’s state government. This regulatory change was initiated by disgraced former EPA administrator Scott Pruit, whom Secretary Wagner served under, and worked with, for more than a decade.

October 18, 2019

Virginia announced an agreement to purchase clean energy for the state government, but the state’s utility still plans to use dirty fossil fuel power plants and is still pursuing fracked gas projects

September 8, 2019

Sierra Club’s new national ad in response, “Duke Energy burns coal like it's 1499” kicks off today and mocks Duke’s claim of moving “beyond coal,” by noting other ancient practices that have been left by the wayside while Duke continues to burn an archaic, toxic energy source: burlap sacks for clothing, whale blubber lanterns for light and flag signals for communications.

September 4, 2019

RALEIGH, N.C. — Duke Energy wants to burn dirty, uneconomic coal for several more decades and add massive amounts of dangerous fracked gas in North and South Carolina, according to its latest filings with state regulators.