
April 28, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House will vote on a Congressional Review Act (H.J.Res 39) resolution to overturn President Biden’s two-year pause on the collection of tariffs for solar panels from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The temporary moratorium on solar tariffs was intended to ensure the flow of solar cells and modules to the United States while the Commerce Department investigates whether companies are circumventing the tariffs on China.

27 de abril de 2023

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes finalmente aprobaron su regalo legislativo a los contaminadores en lugar de cumplir con su obligación de elevar el techo de deuda y evitar una crisis financiera.

13 de abril de 2023

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció una propuesta para reforzar los estándares federales de contaminación de vehículos, la cual reducirá emisiones del sector transporte para ayudar a proteger la salud pública y el clima.

13 de abril de 2023

En su análisis más completo sobre este crucial problema, 625 organizaciones de 75 países emitieron la 14a Edición del Reporte sobre Financiación del Caos Climático.

30 de marzo de 2023

La Bancada Republicana de la Cámara Baja aprobó hoy la HR 1, la “Ley de Protección a los Contaminadores, No al Público”, la cual exacerbará la crisis climática, perpetuará las injusticias ambientales, y pondrá en peligro la economía y seguridad nacionales.

March 29, 2023

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is hosting an environmental justice and equity roundtable. In a series of panels, FERC Commissioners will explore ways to better uphold these important values in their decisions, which include pipeline permitting, interstate transmission line siting, and liquefied methane gas export facility approvals. The impact of these decisions have historically had an outsized impact on low-income communities and communities of color who bear the burden of pollution and often experience the worst impacts of climate change. Sierra Club’s Executive Director Ben Jealous will participate in the first panel.

March 10, 2023

NASHVILLE, TENN. – This week, President Biden outlined the path forward for a $9.7 billion competitive grant program called “Empowering Rural America”–or the “New ERA” program–designed to bring good-paying jobs, investment, and clean energy to rural communities.

9 de marzo de 2023

El Departamento de Energía (DOE) emitió un Anuncio de Oportunidad de Inversiones de $6.000 millones en fondos federales para ayudar a desplegar tecnologías transformadoras para descarbonizar el sector industrial.

15 de febrero de 2023

La Casa Blanca anunció hoy una serie de decisiones centradas en establecer una robusta red nacional de recarga para vehículos eléctricos.

February 6, 2023

In advance of the State of the Union address on Tuesday, the Sierra Club celebrates the many historic legislative victories achieved in 2022 and urges President Biden to lay out his administration’s clear plans for 2023 to continue combating the climate crisis, protecting our lands and waters, and ensuring justice and equity for all.

January 10, 2023

A new report finds that while renewable energy has surpassed coal as a source of power in the United States for the first time in over 60 years, climate-driven extreme weather events are driving up emissions in the building sector as more energy is required to heat and cool the places people live, work, and play.

January 10, 2023

ALBANY, NY -- Governor Hochul released new policy goals at her State of the State address on Tuesday that would further implement the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This nation-leading climate law commits New York State to a zero emissions grid by 2040 and near carbon neutrality by 2050. In December, the Climate Action Council released the final scoping plan for enacting regulations that retains many of the strong recommendations that emerged from the Advisory Panels and the public comment process.