On Monday, January 14 at 10am CT, a group of Indigenous activists will join representatives from the Gwich’in Steering Committee for an in-person delivery of more than 100,000 letters from across the country to SAExploration’s Houston office urging the company to stay out of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Today, Tribal leaders from across the country were joined by members of Congress to mark the 58th anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and stand with the Gwich’in Nation in opposition to destructive drilling there.
This weekend, a representative from the BLM’s Alaska office told Alaska Public Media that, though they haven’t even done an environmental assessment of the impacts of seismic testing in the Arctic Refuge yet, they’ve already decided to issue a draft finding of “no significant impact” and allow the destructive seismic testing to move forward.
Washington, DC -- The Trump administration is now officially considering a proposal to allow an oilfield services company to conduct destructive seismic exploration across nearly the entire coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Beginning as soon as December of this year, the testing would occur ahead of a planned lease sale for drilling in the coastal plain.
BP America Chairman and President Susan Dio gave the keynote address at a luncheon put on by the Alaska Resource Development Council, in which she expressed BP’s support for the Trump administration’s plan to sell off the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas drilling.
At an event put on yesterday by the Alaska Resource Development Council, BP America Chairman and President Susan Dio expressed support for the Trump administration’s plan to open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas drilling.
Today, more than 675,000 public comments were submitted to the Department of the Interior in opposition to Secretary Zinke’s plan to hold a lease sale for drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
This afternoon a crowd will rally in Washington, DC to condemn the Trump administration’s shameful plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling.
Indigenous and environmental groups and concerned citizens are gathering in Washington, DC today to protest the Trump Administration’s proposal to conduct oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
This morning, the Washington Post reported that two corporations, along with an oil services firm, have filed an application with the Department of the Interior to do extensive seismic testing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Today, as Chevron executives and shareholders meet for their annual meeting, the company is under increasing pressure to pledge not to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Investors Totaling More Than $2.5 Trillion in Assets Call on Oil Companies, Banks Not to Support Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge