
June 11, 2024

Senate Republicans today released their version of a framework for the 2024 farm bill, which weakens climate investments, cuts bedrock environmental laws to expedite logging projects, and jeopardizes SNAP support for the poor and hungry.

13 de octubre de 2023

Octubre 10, organizaciones ambientales, agroecológicas, comunitarias y municipales convocaron a la prensa a la vista argumentativa de la demanda entablada contra el gobierno de Puerto Rico y varias agencias por violar el Plan de Uso de Terrenos y la Ley de Política Pública Energética en los procesos de aprobación de proyectos industriales de energía renovable en suelos de alto valor agrícola y ecológicamente sensitivos.

December 18, 2020

Washington, DC -- On December 11th, President-elect Joe Biden introduced Tom Vilsack as his intended nominee for Secretary of Agriculture.

In response, Sierra Club Acting Our Wild America Director Chris Hill released the following statement:

“It is critical that President-elect Biden’s cabinet be filled with nominees who will advance bold solutions -- rooted in justice and equity -- at the size and scale needed to address the climate crisis. 

October 1, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – As North Carolina communities grapple with the pollution from industrial pig, chicken, and turkey operations that flooded during Hurricane Florence, community groups and an allied national coalition filed a legal complaint in federal court late Friday challenging a Trump administration policy that unlawfully exempts industrial animal feeding operations from having to report toxic pollution under a federal emergency planning and right-t