Incoming Trump Administration Already Gearing Up To Kill Clean Truck Jobs


Washington, DC – Donald Trump’s transition team is reportedly planning to cancel the United States Postal Service's contracts to electrify its delivery fleet. Building the new fleet is expected to create at least 1,000 new jobs in South Carolina, yield as much as $4.3 billion in savings, and avoid 13 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Ben Jealous released the following statement: 

“Electrifying USPS delivery vehicles will create good American jobs, improve air quality in every community across the country, slash climate pollution, and save USPS billions in fuel costs. The only people who would benefit from killing this commonsense program are Donald Trump’s corporate polluter campaign donors who want to keep us hooked on dated, polluting technology while they profit. American workers should not lose out on good jobs, and our neighborhoods should not be forced to receive dirty, polluted air along with their daily mail, all for the benefit of Big Oil.” 

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