Broad coalition unites for “No on Initiative 2066” campaign

Diverse group of experts align to defeat higher energy costs from I-2066
Contact, (425) 890-9744

Today over 90 public interest groups, affordable housing advocates, health care experts, and small businesses from across the state launched the “No on I-2066” campaign to urge Washington voters to defeat I-2066.

The Statewide Poverty Action Network, American Federation of Teachers Washington, SEIU 925, and King County Medical Society are among the ever-growing list of groups calling on voters to vote No on I-2066, as it would:

  • Raise energy costs by repealing important tools that our state’s largest utility says are necessary to prevent skyrocketing energy costs.
  • Roll back popular energy efficiency protections that reduce energy bills and keep homes safe and comfortable during extreme weather.
  • Harm communities living on low incomes by gutting programs to help them upgrade their homes with energy efficient appliances. 
  • Lead to higher housing costs by removing incentives for new buildings to be constructed with money-saving efficient appliances like heat pumps, which save energy while doubling as air conditioners and air purifiers.
  • Strip cities and counties of the ability to make decisions about their energy futures, putting that power in the hands of developers and the fossil fuel industry.
  • Harm health and undermine the state’s Clean Air Act by outlawing regulations that address pollution from buildings, including industrial facilities.

Right-wing special interests like the Koch Brothers, hedge fund manager Brian Heywood, the Building Industry Association of Washington, and wealthy real estate developers like Kemper Freeman spent more than $2.4 million to get I-2066 on the ballot by lying to the public. Initiative proponents continue to mislead: in fact, nothing in state law prevents anyone from buying gas appliances, and gas utilities are still required by state law to provide gas service to anyone who wants it.

“Energy efficient homes are more affordable and more comfortable homes. I-2066 would raise energy bills and the cost of living by rolling back energy efficiency standards on new homes. I-2066 would also increase our reliance on fossil fuels and limit our ability to build a resilient future.” - Ryan Lurie, Co-Owner/Founder, Triple Bottom Line Construction

“No one should have to choose between paying an energy bill and putting food on the table, but that’s the reality for thousands of Washington families. I-2066 would roll back critically important programs that help people living on low incomes reduce their monthly bills with clean energy upgrades that make their home more efficient and affordable. I-2066 would be a huge step backwards for housing affordability in our state.” - Patience Malaba, Executive Director, Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County

“As consumers face the growing challenges of climate change, including increased heat waves and wildfire smoke, access to healthy, energy-efficient buildings is essential. High efficiency heat pumps serve as air conditioners and air filtration units, improving indoor air quality and comfort, and they also lower electricity costs, helping businesses and consumers alike save money. Unfortunately, I-2066 is backed by special interests, who seek to keep us tied to outdated, planet-warming fossil fuels — ultimately threatening our bottom lines and the future of our building stock.” - Kerry Meade, Executive Director, Building Potential

“Educators know that affordable energy bills are critical for students, staff, and families. The vision of AFT Washington is a just society with access for all to unions, education, health care, and social programs that provide equal opportunity. I-2066 would raise energy bills and gut energy efficiency programs. We need to make sure that families don’t have to pay more to keep their homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer.” - Richard Burton, American Federation of Teachers Washington

“I-2066 would create uncertainty at a time when Washington’s utilities are focused on trying to transition to cleaner, more affordable energy in a planned and coordinated way to reduce costs. If this initiative passes, utility customers would end up paying more than we should to meet Washington’s clean energy goals.” - Jill Wasberg, Communications Manager, NW Energy Coalition

“I-2066 is bad for our health. It would undermine the Clean Air Act right when we need to do more on pollution and addressing asthma and cancer.  It is doctor-recommended to vote No on Initiative 2066.” - Dr. Daniel Low, President, King County Medical Society

Here is a full list of the coalition opposing this harmful measure, with more endorsing a No vote everyday:

AFT Washington, AFL-CIO
Alliance for Community Engagement SW WA (ACE)
Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition
ArchEcology, LLC
Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of Yakima
Balderston Associates LLC
Batt + Lear, Inc.
Cascadia Climate Action Now
Cascadia Renewables
Center for Community Energy
Chuckanut Builders
Clallam County Democrats
Climate Action Families
Climate Solutions
Cowlitz County Democrats
Dwell Development LLC
Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light
EcoSpark Heating and Cooling
Ecotech Solar
Ecotope Inc.
Evergreen Action
Firelands Workers United / Trabajadores Unidos
Fire Mountain Solar LLC
Franklin County Democratic Central Committee
Fuse Washington
King County Medical Society
League of Women Voters of Washington
LISC Puget Sound
MAD Energy NW
Measure Meant
Medical Students for a Sustainable Future (MS4SF)
Native Daily Network
Northwest Progressive Institute
Northwest Renewables
NW Energy Coalition
Olympia Indivisible
Optimum Building Consultants, LLC
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Pass the Federal Green New Deal Coalition
Passive House Northwest
Physicians for a National Health Program
People for Climate Action
Public Citizen
Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action
Puget Sound Solar LLC
Restoring Earth Connection
Rewiring America
RE Sources
San Diego Building Electrification Coalition
San Juan County Democrats
Seattle Cruise Control
Seattle Restaurants United
SEIU 925
Sheet Metal Workers Local 66
Shift Zero
Sierra Club Washington Chapter
Simplicity Home Energy Auditing
Solterra Solar
South Seattle Climate Action Network
Statewide Poverty Action Network
Sunbridge Solar
Sunergy Systems Inc
Sunshine Construction LLC
Sun Path Electric
TC Legend Homes
Thurston Climate Action Team
Triple Bottom Line Construction
UFCW 3000
Washington Conservation Action
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington Solar Energy Industries Association
Western Solar Inc
Whatcom County Democrats
Whidbey Island Democratic Club
11th Legislative District Democrats
32nd Legislative District Democrats
34th Legislative District Democrats
45th Legislative District Democrats
47th Legislative District Democrats
350 Seattle
350 Spokane
350 Tacoma
350 Wenatchee
350 Yakima Climate Action

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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit