Tennessee Sierra Club Applauds Proposed TVA Effort to Increase Reliability with New Transmission Infrastructure

TVA is Seeking Federal Funding to Build Power Infrastructure to Deliver Affordable, Reliable Power

Melissa Williams, melissa.williams@sierraclub.org

(TENNESSEE) – The Tennessee Valley Authority recently announced it was seeking federal funding to build a new, interregional transmission line spanning 8 states, offering a critical increase in reliable power supply for the region. TVA announced it would seek $250 million in grant funding through the Department of Energy’s of Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships program for the proposed line, marking a huge potential step forward for grid reliability, utility price stability and the future of clean energy. With the areas and people served by the TVA experiencing an increased number of prolonged power outages and cost instability due to an outdated electric grid and unreliable fuel sources, increased and updated transmission capacity will go a long way to ensuring consumers receive the energy they need when they need it. 

If approved and funded, the new transmission line program will integrate renewable energy and increase capacity by 3 to 6 GW, create 800 new jobs, and benefit over 7.5 million families across the region. The TVA notes the project will significantly mitigate risk to the power infrastructure from extreme heat, tornadoes, and severe storms by bringing in renewable energy from other regions.

Pat Cupples, Director of the Tennessee Sierra Club released the following statement:  

“More frequent extreme weather events have battered the region’s aging energy infrastructure, leaving TVA customers in the dark and paying for costly repairs far too often. Building a robust, durable transmission system is a critical piece of the puzzle for ensuring the public has access to reliable and affordable power – and it cannot happen without utility companies holding up their part of the bargain. We applaud TVA’s efforts to build an interregional transmission line that would help guarantee reliable, affordable energy to millions across the area, and stand ready to work with TVA to ensure the transition to clean energy is done in consultation with affected communities and landowners. These proposed transmission upgrades will go a long way in keeping customers’ light on, their homes comfortable, and their utility bills lower.”


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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.