Community Turns Out to Oppose Decades of New Oil Drilling in Signal Hill

Advocates filled city council chambers to oppose Signal Hill Petroleum’s plan

SIGNAL HILL, Calif. – Dozens of concerned residents turned out at a public hearing on Tuesday to oppose Signal Hill Petroleum’s proposed 20-year extension of oil drilling operations, which would allow for 46 new oil wells in the densely populated city. The hearing was scheduled to allow for public comment on the plan’s newly released draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

More than 50 community members, local groups and Sierra Club volunteers packed Signal Hill city council chambers to oppose the project. They urged officials to reject the company's proposed extension of their conditional use permit 97-03. 

The proposal drew fierce opposition due to plans to drill new wells within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, parks and businesses, a “buffer-zone” recommended by experts to minimize adverse health impacts related to drilling. There are already at least 10 parks, 6 schools, one medical center and several homes and businesses within this health protection boundary.

The public comment period for the draft EIR ends on June 24th at 5pm. City Council will then need to finalize the EIR, hold a Planning Commission vote and then make a final decision on the drilling extension.

In response, Climate Brunch and Sierra Club released the following statements: 

Madison Alvara, local activist and organizer with Climate Brunch, said:
“Allowing this massive drilling expansion puts families across Signal Hill at increased risk of asthma, cancer and other health issues—all linked to the toxic air pollution from oil and gas drilling sites. The city's environmental study downplays these serious hazards to our most vulnerable community members.”

Nicole Levin, Senior Field Organizer with Sierra Club, said: 
“In order to meet the needs of this community and protect our climate and public health, we should be phasing out oil drilling, not drilling more. The draft EIR completely missed this point.  Instead of moving forward with this misguided proposal, Signal Hill deserves a plan that will maintain public health and safety protections by decreasing oil drilling.”

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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit