House GOP Advances Bill That Would Drive Rare Whale Species to Extinction


Ian Brickey,

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Today, the House Natural Resources Committee advanced a bill from Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.) that could threaten the survival of Rice’s whale, one of the most endangered whale species in the world and the only whale living exclusively in U.S. waters. 

H.R. 6008 would lock-in Trump Administration rules that leave the species vulnerable to oil development and vessel strikes. It would also create new procedural hurdles that would delay the National Marine Fisheries Services from enacting new protections for the species, effectively preventing any concrete actions to conserve the species, which is currently estimated at 51 individuals. 

The Rice's whale population is located in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. House Republicans have blocked commonsense proposals, like safer vessel speed requirements, that could potentially save the species.

In response, Bradley Williams, Associate Director of Legislative and Administrative Advocacy, Wildlife and Lands Protection at Sierra Club, released the following statements:

“Rice’s whale is one of the most critically endangered whale species on earth. The loss of even a single whale could drive the species to extinction. House Republicans have made it clear that they’d rather give handouts to Big Oil than consider the simple, science-based fixes that could save this rare species.”

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