Today’s Vote Shows House GOP Stands with Big Oil, Not Consumers

Senate and President Biden Will Block the SPR Act from Becoming Law

Shannon Van Hoesen, 

Washington, DC - Today, House Republicans passed the Strategic Production Response (SPR) Act, legislation that threatens our federal public lands and waters under the guise of promoting energy security. Senate Democrats are unlikely to take up the bill and President Biden would veto the legislation. 

In response, Director of Beyond Fossil Fuels Policy Mahyar Sorour released the following statement:

“While the SPR bill has no pathway to become law, its passage by the House GOP sends a clear signal that Republicans stand firmly with Big Oil and Gas companies over consumers who would be harmed by increased prices at the gas pump. Instead of helping to line the pockets of billion dollar companies and their CEOs, Congress should enact a windfall profits tax, end taxpayers' subsidies to oil and gas companies, and stop price gouging by the fossil fuel industry to deliver relief to communities.” 

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