Ahead of PSC Hearing, Advocates Speak Out Against We Energies’ Intention for Utility Rate Increases


Megan Wittman, megan.wittman@sierraclub.org

Milwaukee, WI – We Energies, one of the largest utility companies in Wisconsin, has requested a massive increase in its electricity and gas rates to the Public Service Commission (PSC), a government branch which must approve its plan for rate increase. Today, a coalition of nonprofit advocacy groups hosted an event to call on We Energies to reduce the proposed increase for its customers, and stop doubling-down on fossil fuels.

Ahead of We Energies’ rate case public hearing with the PSC, We Energies is claiming that the intended 8-11% increase in electricity and gas for their customers is because they are building more clean energy, but they have simultaneously announced their plans to keep expensive coal plants running and to invest in new fossil gas infrastructure.

Though all We Energies customers will have to pay for these increases, Black, Hispanic, and Latinx neighborhoods will be disproportionately harmed by these costs. The coalition released the following statements:

“No one should have to choose between basic needs. For far too many families in Wisconsin, We Energies’ proposed increases in utilities will only make it more difficult for folks to pay their bills– especially those families who have been disproportionately affected in redlined communities. We Energies must do the right thing and make their prices more affordable, and commit to clean energy once and for all,” said Elizabeth Ward, Wisconsin Chapter Director, Sierra Club.

“We Energies wants to dramatically increase monthly electric and gas bills at a time when many of their customers are struggling to pay for basic needs. Everyone deserves affordable energy. Clean Wisconsin is calling on the Public Service Commission to put affordability over more profits for We Energies shareholders,” said Clean Wisconsin Staff Attorney Brett Korte.

“This damaging rate increase is part of a long term We Energies business strategy which imposes racially discriminatory energy burdens on redlined communities with the oldest, least energy efficient buildings, charging high prices and fees while blocking access to energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades for low income homeowners and renters. We Energies is also dangerously slow-walking the necessary climate transition to squeeze maximum profit out of the dirty coal plants it should never have built, while laying the groundwork to dominate the rising renewable energy system and lock in future price gouging,” said Citizen Action of Wisconsin Executive Director Robert Kraig.

“My patients shouldn’t have to choose between buying their medicines, feeding their families, and paying their energy bill. High energy burden contributes to malnutrition, increased infection rates, and poorer health outcomes. The We Energies service territory includes many households with energy burden already above 6%. Instead of raising rates, we should be increasing energy efficiency programs that lower healthcare costs and improve lives. Our health depends on investing in our communities, not fossil fuels,” said Primary Care Physician and WHPCA Member Victoria Gillet, MD.

“This We Energies rate case is just as important as the next election,” said Walnut Way Executive Director Antonio Butts. “We Energies must be forced to change the way they do business and for the benefit of all Milwaukeeans– the public is demanding it!”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.