Sierra Club Condemns Passage of Sen. Daines’ ‘Cottonwood’ Bill


WASHINGTON, DC - Today the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources voted out of committee Senator Daines’ bill that would remove requirements under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). S. 2561, ostensibly centered around undoing the Cottonwood Environmental Law Center v. United States Forest Service (Cottonwood) court decision, would eliminate the reinitiation of programmatic consultation with the Forest Service for its land management plans.

In response, Bradley Williams, Associate Director of Legislative and Administrative Advocacy released the following statement: 

“We are deeply disappointed to see that this bill moved out of committee, and will put forth continued efforts to prevent this legislation from moving forward in the Senate. Not only would this legislation set a dangerous precedent, but would also remove an essential tool in the Forest Services’ toolbox to protect imperiled species from ever-changing climate conditions and dwindling habitat. We appreciate Senator Wyden’s strong statements in opposition of this harmful bill.”

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