Sierra Club Responds to NextEra’s Announcement

“NextEra/FPL’s commitment to “real zero” is a real gamechanger!”

Ricky Junquera,, 617.599.7048

FLORIDA -- Yesterday, NextEra Energy announced plans to eliminate all its carbon emissions by 2045, partly by growing Florida Power & Light’s solar fleet to 90,000 MW and its energy storage capacity to 50,000 MW. In the same statement, NextEra admitted that FPL, its subsidiary, can reach the goal without increasing its customers’ bills because renewable energy is often less expensive than existing and new fossil-fueled generation. 

The announcement is also significant because other utilities in Florida are at different stages of either powering down their coal-fired power plants and considering their next steps (Orlando Utilities Commission) or have aged out and uneconomic coal units and are currently in an integrated resource planning process that will decide their future energy generation mix (JEA, Jacksonville's municipal utility). At the same time, Tampa Electric (TECO) has started building a massive fracked gas power plant on the low-lying foundation of their old coal-fired power plant at Big Bend Power Station on the shores of Tampa Bay.

In response to yesterday's news from NextEra…

Susannah Randolph, Senior Campaign Representative for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Florida said:

"We are encouraged that NextEra/FPL has finally committed to a path towards a carbon-free future, and based on what the company said this week, it sounds like they are creating a pathway that comes close to meeting the urgency of the moment.

“But ultimately the proof is in the execution plan, so if the company is serious they will continue to accelerate their deployment of clean energy resources like solar and storage, and they will start pushing to incorporate more energy efficiency in an equitable manner which is critical, especially in Florida where FPL has an energy efficiency goal of 0%, and stop attempts to undermine customer-owned, rooftop solar. 

“That being said, NextEra/FPL’s commitment to “real zero” is a real gamechanger! It’s a signal to other utilities that a true path to clean energy and decarbonization can be achieved through real investments, rather than in promised offsets.”

Emily Gorman, Director of the Sierra Club Florida Chapter said:

"It is exciting to see a company of NextEra's size and notoriety make an actionable climate commitment, but the strength of this commitment and others like it will be measured in its implementation and in the impact it has on Florida's most burdened community members.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit