Sierra Club on Manchin: Honor Your Commitments


Adam Beitman,

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Joe Manchin’s comments on Sunday make it appear he is walking away from his commitments to President Biden and his Senate colleagues in a stunning rebuke to professional courtesy. His remarks completely forsake the moral imperative to tackle the interlocking crises of climate, environmental injustice, and insufficient support for families with children and eldercare responsibilities. 

The Child Tax Credit, a critical support to parents and working families especially during the pandemic, will expire on December 28 amid Manchin’s opposition to lending a helping hand to working families in West Virginia and across the nation. 

In Response, Sierra Club President Ramon Cruz Released the Following Statement:

“Senator Manchin made a commitment to President Biden and his colleagues to negotiate in good faith and even outlined the contours of what he would support, making this stunning about-face live on Fox News all the more incredible and outrageous. Senator Manchin has always said he is a man of his word -- now it’s time for him to honor that by working with his colleagues in good faith on a deal that does not abandon the people and families of West Virginia to unaffordable healthcare, childcare, prescription drug and eldercare costs as well as an unabated climate crisis.

“The Sierra Club remains fiercely committed to advancing climate action, jobs, and justice through national legislation and implores President Biden and Democratic leaders in Congress to pursue every avenue possible for advancing the ball and overcoming the total obstruction of Congressional Republicans.”

Jim Kotcon, Conservation Chair of the West Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club, also Released the Following Statement:

"West Virginians keep their word and don’t take kindly to career politicians who break promises. Senator Manchin needs to honor his word and support a Build Back Better bill that will help West Virginians reduce rising costs, create family-sustaining jobs, and deal with floods and other climate-related threats.” 


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit