Sierra Club Urges House Members to Vote for Build Back Better Act TODAY


Adam Beitman,

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After months of negotiations, the House of Representatives will vote today on President Biden’s transformational Build Back Better Act despite opposition from every single Republican member. In addition to essential childcare, eldercare, and other social priorities, the bill invests over $550 billion in climate action, clean energy jobs, and environmental justice -- the largest such investment in U.S. history. 

In Response, Sierra Club Legislative Director Melinda Pierce Released the Following Statement:

“Sierra Club, on behalf of our millions of members and supporters, urges all House members to vote for President Biden’s transformational Build Back Better Act TODAY. 

“We cannot afford delay or obstruction when the stakes for our communities, our families and our planet are this high. We have no time to waste, because the choices we make together now will shape the health of our communities and planet for decades to come.”

THE HOUSE BILL INCLUDES OVER 100 SPECIFIC INVESTMENTS IN BOLD CLIMATE ACTION spanning scores of policy areas and on a scale never before seen in Congress. 

TOP AMONG THE CLIMATE ACTION INVESTMENTS IS A SWEEPING PACKAGE OF CLEAN ENERGY AND CLEAN TRANSPORTATION TAX INCENTIVES that are a game changer for the clean economy in the United States, and a game changer for climate action at home and abroad. The investment in the 10-year tax incentive package will dramatically expand access to clean electricity like solar, electric vehicles, efficiency and electrification improvements for homes and workplaces, and clean manufacturing, forming the backbone of the Build Back Better Act’s climate action and accounting for a major reduction in carbon emissions nearing our national goals.  Turbocharging investments in clean electricity, and energy efficiency are key to saving the average household $500 annually in lower energy costs.

The framework’s vision for bold investments in CLEAN ENERGY MANUFACTURING would slash industrial pollution, create good manufacturing jobs, and bolster the supply chains we need for a swift transition to 100% clean energy.

ADDITIONAL MAJOR CLIMATE ACTION INVESTMENTS INCLUDE: transportation investments that would expand access to union-built electric vehicles, clean public transit and passenger rail; retrofits of homes and schools to cut pollution and energy costs; protections against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; a methane emissions reduction program; natural climate solutions that provide protection for communities from heat waves and storms while growing carbon sinks; new investments to slash industrial pollution and boost manufacturing of clean energy goods; and a Civilian Climate Corps that would help communities clean up pollution and adapt to the climate crisis. 

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE INVESTMENTS IN THE BILL WOULD BE EQUALLY HISTORIC, including environmental and climate justice grants, nationwide lead service line replacement, electrification of diesel school buses, funding for cleaning up dirty ports and heavy-duty trucks, community investments to close the nature equity gap, funding for pollution monitoring and cleanup, robust support for equitable and sustainable community development, and increased investments for community engagement under the National Environmental Policy Act. 

FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES ABROAD AND AT HOME: Based on estimates from the President’s budget, the Act’s repeal of international fossil fuel subsidies included in the package would represent a potential $86.2 billion in revenue over the next decade. Still, the failure to repeal domestic fossil fuel subsidies is a shortcoming that can and must be addressed by Congress.

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit