South Carolina Regulators Approve New Dominion Energy Plan That Accelerates Coal Retirements


Melissa Williams,

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South Carolina Public Service Commission has (PSC) approved Dominion Energy’s modified 2020 long-term energy plan, which will accelerate coal plant retirements in South Carolina. In December 2020, the PSC unanimously rejected the Dominion’s 2020 filing and later ordered the utility to specifically study coal retirements in  its modified 2020 plan.

The modified plan, called an integrated resources plan, or “IRP,” accelerates the retirements of Dominion’s two coal-fired power plants: the Williams Station north of Charleston, the Wateree Station south of Columbia near Congaree National Park, and the Cope Station near Orangeburg. Commissioners have also opened a coal docket to consider the retirement and replacement of Dominion’s coal plants. The deadline for notice of intervention in the docket is Aug. 2. 

The approved IRP also requires a number of analytical improvements that should lead to a more accurate picture of the utility’s resource planning and savings for Dominion customers. The IRP includes orders to include near-term solar and storage and a range of demand-side, supply-side, storage, and other technologies in their planning. Dominion must also use the "cost effective, reasonable and achievable" standard moving forward to evaluate potential for higher savings portfolios in future IRPs and updates beginning in 2021. 

In response, Will Harlan, senior representative for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign in South Carolina, released the following statement:

“It’s remarkable how much the PSC has improved Dominion’s IRP since the original filing was rightfully rejected last year. With these changes, the PSC has forced Dominion to come to terms with its dirty, expensive coal fleet and the need to invest in new, clean energy. This is another win for Dominion customers who’ve been saddled with pollution and high electricity bills for far too long.”


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