MONDAY: Press Conference On Governor Walz’s Climate Grades

Coalition Issues Gov. Walz Climate Report Card, Calls on Walz to Live Up To Promises

Mary Blitzer, 608-695-0915,

ST PAUL, MINNESOTA -- Last week, a coalition of Minnesota environmental, worker, Indigenous and progressive groups released a mid-term climate report card grading Governor Walz on his actions to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for Minnesota. Unfortunately, the report card found that Governor Walz’s actions fall short of the bold and decisive measures the Gov. has promised Minnesotans, and that are needed to respond to the climate crisis.

On Monday, April 26, this coalition will be holding a press conference to deliver the report card to Governor Walz, and to uplift voices from across Minnesota in calling for Governor Walz to recommit to Minnesota’s climate and energy goals.

What: A press conference on the steps of the Governor’s mansion, as well as virtually across Minnesota, to deliver the Governor his climate grades. 

When: Monday, April 26, 2021, starting at 11:00AM Central

Where: In person outside the Governor’s mansion, 1006 Summit Ave, St Paul, MN 55105

Streamed online at

Who: Speakers include:

  • Marco Hernandez, Director of Public Policy at COPAL MN

  • Emilie Wille, Natural Resources Science and Management Graduate Student at the ‎University of Minnesota and Sierra Club volunteer

  • Nancy Beaulieu, Northern Minnesota Organizer with MN350

  • Amanda Koehler, Policy Organizer with Land Stewardship Project

  • Maple Williams, leader Duluth Youth Climate Justice

Today, for Earth Day, our speakers are providing the below quotes and are available for an interview. 

“Governor Walz has been a leader when it comes to getting every Minnesotan vaccinated and making sure we are truly beating this pandemic. The Governor needs to realize the climate crisis also plays a huge role when it comes to public health. There are too many communities of color and low socioeconomic communities situated near trash incinerators, metal foundries, and petroleum refineries. The chemicals emitted from these facilities weaken people’s immune system and makes them more susceptible to COVID-19 and other diseases. Minnesota needs a leader who sees these connections and takes efficient actions to tackle the climate crisis in the same way the state has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Marco Hernandez, Director of Public Policy at COPAL MN

“Transportation is essential to Minnesotans' lives; it allows us to get to school and work, meet with friends and family, and engage with our communities. However, car emissions are one of the biggest contributors to air pollution. Governor Walz says that climate change is an existential threat and that Minnesota will lead the fight with bold action. His grades on transportation show that he is not keeping this promise, as he isn’t investing in clean transit infrastructure. We are calling on him to live up to his promises to ensure that the air we breathe is clean for all, regardless of where we live or the color of our skin. All Minnesotans deserve to have a healthy, live-sustaining climate for generations to come,” said Emilie Wille, Natural Resources Science and Management Graduate Student at the ‎University of Minnesota and Sierra Club volunteer. 

“Gov. Walz gets an F on fossil fuel infrastructure not just because he’s failed to speak out against the massive Line 3 pipeline that Indigenous communities have been fighting for years. He made a commitment to consult with tribes and honor their agency. But he has failed to live up to his own executive order, 19-24, on government-to-government relationships as he shoves this pipeline down our throats even as White Earth, Red Lake, and Mille Lacs have yet to have their day in court. How many times have we heard assurances from government leaders who wind up walking away saying sorry, nothing I can do, it was just the process? Walz has sacrificed the will of Native people for the profits of a Canadian oil company. If there was a grade lower than F, that would earn it,” said Nancy Beaulieu, Northern Minnesota Organizer with MN350

“As a Congressman, Governor Walz was a champion for sustainable agriculture. As Governor, farmers need him to step it up. He has a unique opportunity to build resiliency for the land, farmers, rural communities, and all Minnesotans. We urge Governor Walz to prioritize landscape-scale investments into soil-healthy farming and use his power as Governor to curb consolidation in the agricultural sector,” said Amanda Koehler, Policy Organizer with Land Stewardship Project

“I’m passionate about the climate justice movement because I want to have a future where our planet and people are healthy and right now our future isn’t looking like that and neither is our present. Governor Walz has said he cares, but his actions don’t show this. The youth of Duluth are calling on Walz to start acting,” said Maple Williams, a leader with Duluth Youth Climate Justice

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit

About MN350

MN350 is a statewide organization working to make Minnesota a national leader in a just transition to a clean energy economy. MN350 Action is its political and advocacy arm. For more information visit and 

About the Minnesota Environmental Partnership

The Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) is a statewide coalition of environmental and conservation nonprofits. Together, our coalition members and supporters work for clean energy, clean water, and clean transportation through policy initiatives, public education, and community events. For more information, visit

About the Land Stewardship Project

The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities. LSP is dedicated to creating transformational change in our food and farming system. LSP's work has a broad and deep impact, from new farmer training and local organizing, to federal policy and community based food systems development. At the core of all our work are the values of stewardship, justice and democracy. For more information, visit


COPAL, or Communities Organizing Latinx Power and Action, works to unite Latinxs in Minnesota in active grassroots communal democracy that builds racial, gender, social and economic justice across community lines. COPAL’s vision is to build a world that is just, equitable, enjoyable and environmentally sustainable for all. For more information, visit