Central Minnesotans Tell Xcel, “We’re NO Fools!”

Press Conference Called For Faster Transition to 100% Clean, Renewable Energy

ST CLOUD, MN -- Earlier today, community members from across Central Minnesota held a press conference demanding that Xcel Energy commit to 100% clean, renewable energy, to express opposition to building a new fossil gas plant and gas pipeline in Becker, and to remind the utility that Minnesotans are not fossil fools.

“Through community and rooftop solar, through independent community wind farms, Xcel can ensure that homeowners and wind farms can benefit economically,” said Sue Hedtke, Monticello resident, Wright County Indivisible coordinator, grandma, and retired teacher. “Instead, Xcel is proposing a massive fossil gas plant that would emit over three million metric tons of carbon a year!  I am blessed to be a mother of 4 adult children and grandmother of 9 beautiful grandchildren, and I fear for the earth and my grandchildren and others if something is not done now.”

“For the sake of our children and future generations, we must move to clean energy,” said Dr. Khaldoun Ahmad, St. Cloud Technical & Community College Environmental Science Professor. “The evidence is clear that climate change is worsening because of greenhouse gasses, including methane that comes from burning fracked gas. Protect your kids, my kids, and our future generations, and focus on clean and renewable energy.”

“Ever since I was young, I had an extreme passion for the outdoors,” said Clay Mewes, St. Cloud State University, junior Environmental Studies major, SCSU Environmental and Technological Studies Club president. “I’ve backpacked through Mexico, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, and hiked hundreds of miles in the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. I’ve truly fallen in love with nature, maintaining it, and protecting it, from litter on the trails to pollution coming out of factories and power plants. In Minnesota, saving the earth starts with our power grid. One day, I want to show my child all the beauties of the natural world, like I had the opportunity to see. But decisions like this ‘natural’ gas plant dictate what we’ll be able to show them: Dark and polluted, or vibrant and bright. Minnesota, it’s our time to choose.”

"Focusing on renewable energy means that our money will stay in Minnesota, instead of purchasing coal and gas from other states, or even other countries," said David Winkelman of Winkelman Solar Developers. "Our small company has brought in over ten million dollars of revenue from solar in the last five years, just around central Minnesota. Statewide, we are in the hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue per year from solar. There are jobs right now for hundreds of people in solar in Minnesota, waiting to be filled."

“The message could not be clearer,” said Jessica Trisch, Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative with the Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign. “Organizations and individuals across Minnesota are demanding that Xcel Energy commit to 100% clean, renewable energy, and make that transition as quickly as possible. Building a new fossil gas plant and pipeline jeopardizes the health and safety of all Minnesotans, of our natural environment, and of the climate itself.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.

About Wright County Indivisible

Wright County Indivisible's mission is to continue to move America forward by opposing public policies that run contrary to our nations values; to model the values of inclusion, respect, fairness, and honesty; and to strive to unite a diverse set of voices and perspectives. For more information, visit www.wrightcountyindivisible.org.

About Winkelman Solar Developers

Winkelman Solar Developers is a team of solar project developers in MN with roots in commercial building’s energy issues going back into 1970, and offering offer everything from initial advice consultation to guiding the final contractors through the actual engineering, procurement, financing, construction and inter-connection to the grid. For more information, visit www.winkelmansolar.com.