Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio Sam Randazzo Resigns

Randazzo’s legacy is one of questionable orders, inappropriate concurring statements...

Ricky Junquera,, 617-599-7048

Neil Waggoner,, 330-730-5109

Columbus, OH -- This morning, after days of speculation surrounding the FBI search of Chairman Sam Randazzo's Columbus home, and an SEC filing from FirstEnergy identifying a questionable $4 million payment to an unidentified Ohio utility regulator, Chairman Randazzo has resigned from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. 

In response, Neil Waggoner, Campaign Representative for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Ohio, released the following statement:

“Sierra Club voiced concerns about Sam Randazzo when he was first appointed to the PUCO/OPSB. Since Randazzo’s appointment, his tenure as Chair of the PUCO and OPSB has included questionable orders (at least one recently reversed on rehearing), inappropriate concurring statements, ongoing accusations of bias, and politicization of the PUCO/OPSB.

“It is imperative Ohioans have faith in the objectivity, fairness, and accountability of the PUCO/OPSB. This week’s news about Sam Randazzo, coupled with concerns over decision making during his tenure, put all of that into question. It’s good Sam Randazzo stepped down but between the events of this week and the ongoing HB6 scandal, it’s more clear now than ever that Ohio needs to review and strengthen ethics rules and requirements for utility regulations and regulators."

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