Trump’s EPA is Forcing Employees to Relocate, Resign, or Retire after Accelerating Closure of the National Exposure Research Lab in Las Vegas


Thomas Young,, Sierra Club Deputy Press Secretary


LAS VEGAS, NV -- The Environmental Protection Agency has told employees at the National Exposure Research Lab (NERL) in Las Vegas that they are moving up the closure date for the lab by two years, which is forcing employees to quickly decide between resigning, retiring, or relocating across the country. NERL focuses on monitoring and preventing human exposure to pollution and toxic chemicals.

This is just the latest attack from Trump's EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in favor of a corporate polluter agenda and against the scientists and research that protects Americans from pollution.

In response, Sierra Club’s Nevada Campaign Representative, Elspeth DiMarzio, issued the following statement:

"This brash move by the Trump administration and EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, shows their blatant disregard for both science and the public servants of Las Vegas that have spent their lives protecting Americans from the dangers of pollution and toxic chemicals. Times like these are when Nevada's leaders need to step up, but Senator Heller has unsurprisingly continued to rubber stamp Trump and Pruitt's corporate polluter agenda."


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