Ports of LA and Long Beach stand in the way of clean air future in California


Rachel Boyer, rachel.boyer@sierraclub.org

Long Beach, Calif.-- Today, the harbor commissions for the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (Ports) voted against their communities and stalled California’s progress toward cleaner air and a clean energy economy. At a special joint session, the commissioners voted 8 to 2 in favor of a ten dollar per container fee which is nowhere near close enough to moving the needle to help California meet its goals. The commissioners from the Port of Los Angeles voted unanimously in favor of the low fee. 

In response Senior Campaign Representative, Carlo De La Cruz, released the following statement:

“Today’s decision is a huge missed opportunity for the harbor commissioners. They knew that a strong truck rate could be combined with rules in the works at the Air Resources Board and the South Coast Air Management District to create a quick but smooth transition to zero emission vehicles at the Ports, but instead they handed truck owners a free pass to keep poisoning their communities for the foreseeable future. 

“The Ports said that the clean truck rate would be a way to incentivize truck owners to flip their diesel trucks for more efficient zero emission versions but, today, they showed that all they’re willing to do is placate the shipping companies even if that means selling out the health and wellness of their communities. 

“In 2017, Mayors Garcetti and Garcia said that their cities were going to lead Southern California toward a clean energy future. Although the Ports are holding the region back with this weak container rate, the next decision point is not too far away. This new rate is going to bring in $90 million dollars each year and the Ports should ensure that it is spent only on zero emission technology upgrades at the Ports. California is moving toward a clean energy future and it's time for the Ports to stop stalling that future.” 


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