Draft RGGI Rule Approved by Environmental Quality Board

Moves Forward to Formal Public Comment

Emily Pomilio, emily.pomilio@sierraclub.org, (480) 286-0401

Tom Schuster, tom.schuster@sierraclub.org, (814) 915-4231

Harrisburgh, P.A. - The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) approved the proposed draft of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) rule today, the nation’s first regional program that sets a declining limit on carbon dioxide pollution, and generates funding for clean energy by requiring owners of fossil fuel power plants to pay for their climate changing pollution.

Last week, the Senate passed HB 2025 which would prevent the state’s participation in the "cap-and-invest" program. Governor Wolf is expected to veto the legislation. 

Currently, Pennsylvania is the fourth largest emitter of energy-related carbon pollution in the country and power plants are among the largest sources of carbon emissions in the state. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that we must cut greenhouse gases by half over the next decade and completely eliminate them by 2050 in order to have a chance of stabilizing our climate.

In response, Tom Schuster, Pennsylvania Clean Energy Program Director said: 

“We thank Governor Wolf for following through on last year’s commitment to draft meaningful limits on climate disrupting pollution from power plants. We strongly support Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI to help the state combat a changing climate while creating clean energy jobs for a post-COVID recovery. With raging wildfires engulfing the West Coast, we’re seeing the effects of climate change right now. It’s here, at our doorstep, and with 73% of PA voters supporting climate protection policies and the same amount believing that the state should regulate carbon dioxide emissions, the people want action on climate. We are disappointed with the legislature’s head-in-the-sand approach to climate in passing HB 20225, and look forward to Governor Wolf’s official veto of the bill.”

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